On the subject of contests I wanted to remind people who aren't already signed up for my newsletter about the monthly draw! At the end of every month I randomly pick some names from the people signed up and they win a book! Now I still haven't decided how many books and which books I am giving away this month...but I promise to post something soon. However if you aren't already signed up for the newsletter and want to be on the list then sign up using the link in the side bar <----
Also feel free to tell me what you are reading, what you thought of certain books etc by joining me on Goodreads. Ask me, Amberkatze, to be your friend and then you can join the Amberkatze's Book Blog group. Look forward to seeing you over there!
Now I am a little lazy sometimes so I am really glad to go over to sites such as Literary Escapism and Vampire Wire to find out everything I need to know about what is going on lately. If you want to know when Twilight is really coming out and where all the hot contests and author interviews are then I can highly recommend putting both sites on your bookmarks!
My picture this week is yet again Life on Mars. I have finished Carnivale (need to get the 2nd series now) and I have moved on to the second series of this amazing show. If you haven't tried this yet and have the chance..Do it!
Now I haven't come across much else on my online travels that nobody else has posted about so I am going to leave the round up there. However I am going to ask you guys out there a question. I hope I will get some informative answers.
Why Teen/YA books??? Now I love alot of the Teen/YA books and series out there but I am getting a little worried about how many authors are now suddenly joining in. Rachel Vincent announced a while back that she will be doing her own YA series and last month Yasmine Galenorn also gave us the great news. Now I have heard Kim Harrison is joining in and I am sure many more authors are too.
So why?
Labels: Book Talk, Contests, newsletter draw, Sunday Round-up
At 18 August 2008 at 14:20, Kimberly Swan
I would think that it's a challenge for them as authors. In the past year I've read/reviewed quite a few, and for the most part I've really enjoyed them. Truth is that I tried them because some of my favorite authors had started writing them. (also, it's only the urban fantasy/paranormal romance YAs that I read)
At 18 August 2008 at 15:27, DawnM
I suppose the real question is whether they're just writing a book per normal and labelling it YA to try to tempt younger readers. Or is the book specifically designed, with younger/more immature characters. It's a concept I actually find a bit strange. I was reading adult books by 10. Things like hard SF, crime, Jaws ( which I bought while I was on a Pack holiday and Brown Owl confiscated, LOL, until she could check with my mum ). I personally think it's an artificial divide, unless it's YA because the characters are at school.
At 19 August 2008 at 08:32, Rachel Vincent
Obviously I can't speak for every adult author also writing YA, but I can say that my YA series has been in the works for almost a year now, and Kim Harrison's sold quite a while before that. So it's not quite as sudden a trend as you might think.
As for the comment about writing an adult book and simply labeling it a YA, that's not the case with mine. The subject matter for all my books is dark, but the content of my YAs is different. Much less violent, less "bad" language, and no sex at all, though there is a good deal of sexual tension.
Also, the main characters are teenagers, dealing with normal teen issues along with the paranormal issues. In my adult books, most of the characters are adults.
I too read adult books as a child and a teen, but I must say that I'm enjoying writing these YAs more than I could ever have anticipated, and they're flowing very well for me. I feel like I've found a fit, and I enjoy going back and forth from my werecat world to my banshee world, for the change of pace and of perspective.
At 19 August 2008 at 12:33, Unknown
Thanks for your comments so far! Alot to think about...
Oh and thank you Rachel for visiting!
I have to say I can't wait for all the above mentioned authors to bring out their YA books because I am sure I am going to love them. Like I love all of the YA books! Actually there are a few I can't wait to get hold of.
I just wondered why it seems to be a trend these days.
Supply and demand is a part of it. The teenagers are loving the books that deal in fantasy and can't get enough. My daughter buys hard backs with her babysitting money. So do her friends. They gush about them with me and it's so wonderful to see their enthusiasm.
Plus, the books are fun to write. It's like experiencing all the excitement of youth again through your characters.
Most of these writers want to write for both adult and YA, so I wouldn't worry.
Good question.
My guess is tht everyone is doing it, so jump on the money bandwagon.
I do not read very many YA books---so they lose my money.