Casey Daniels is my guest this week and will see us into 2009 with her interview and contest! So if you haven't already read her series following Pepper Martin then catch up and get ready for the new release, Night of the Loving Dead
Amber - Casey! Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here! Maybe you can start things off by telling my readers a bit about your Pepper Martin series?
Casey - Thanks for inviting me, Amber. It's always great to meet new readers and of course, I love talking about the Pepper Martin mysteries! The series revolves around Pepper, who grew up spoiled and wealthy and was engaged to a guy who she thought would take care of her financially so she could spend all her time sunning herself at the country club. But then her father gets thrown into prison. And her fiance dumps her because he doesn't want to be associated with the scandal. With no place else to turn, Pepper takes a job as a tour guide at a historic cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio. She thinks the job is boring, but it should be a piece of cake. It is, until one day when she trips and hits her head on a mausoleum. When she comes back to work the next day, the ghost of the man buried in that mausoleum is waiting for her. He tells her he's going to haunt her forever unless she solves his murder.

Amber - So far there are 3 books in the Pepper Martin series but the fourth book Night of the Loving Dead is out soon. Can you tell us a little about the new book? What trouble does Pepper get into this time?
Casey - In the new book, Night of the Loving Dead, Pepper visits Chicago to attend a cemetery conference. The first day she's there, she meets a ghost in a cemetery. The ghost is so annoying, Pepper doesn't want to help her--until she hears that the ghost knows Dan Callahan (readers met him in the first three books) and that if Pepper doesn't help, Dan could end up in big trouble. Turns out a prominent doctor is using his homeless patients in experiments, and that the patients are never seen or heard from again. Dan is working with the doctor, and when the police catch up to him, Dan is going to end up in jail.
This adventure finds Pepper serving lunch in a soup kitchen (you can imagine what she thinks of that!), dodging a mysterious entity, and dealing with a ghost with a hidden agenda. I won't give anything away, but I will tell you that if Pepper's not careful, she just might end up losing her body--and disappearing forever!
Amber - Where did you get the idea for the Pepper Martin series?
Casey - Actually, I interviewed for a job as a tour guide in a historic cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio! Really. It was a part-time position, and since I love cemeteries, I figured it would be interesting. I'd been thinking about writing a mystery, but couldn't think of a detective who was interesting enough. As I was leaving the interview and driving through the cemetery, I got the idea for Pepper.
Amber - So can you see and talk to ghosts? Or know anyone who can?
Casey - No, I can't see and talk to ghosts, but I have had a couple ghostly experiences. I definitely do believe in ghosts, and I also believe there are gifted mediums who can communicate with those on the Other Side.

Casey - Pepper #5 will be published in October 2009. Tentative title: Dead Man Talking. There will definitely be one more book after that and that one is scheduled to be out in July 2010. After that? Well, I'm hoping for many more books in the series! There are lots of things I want to do with Pepper.
Amber - Are you working on any other projects you would like to tell us about?
Casey - Well, a lot of people aren't aware of this, but I also write under the name of Miranda Bliss. As Miranda, I write the Cooking Class mysteries. So far, there have been four of those published: Cooking Up Murder, Murder on the Menu, Dead Men Don't Get the Munchies, and (just out), Dying for Dinner. They're about a young womman who is the world's worst cook, takes a cooking class and stumbles on a murder. Right now, I'm busy finishing up book #5 in that series.
Amber - Did you always want to be a writer? Have you had any interesting jobs? Worked in a cemetery like Pepper?
Casey - I guess I always have wanted to be a writer. I remember as a kid writing a couple "books." I don't remember much about them, but I'm pretty sure they were really bad! I majored in English in college, and after I graduated, worked for a couple corporations where I did things like write the employee newsletter and brochures and speeches for executives. I've also done some freelance work with newspapers. I've never worked in a cemetery, but lately, I've been involved with a couple groups working on cemetery restoration. In fact, Pepper #5 has Pepper working to restore a historic cemetery.
Amber - Are you anything like Pepper? or maybe she is reminds you of some people you know?

Amber - How do you relax? Do you enjoy any particular music/bands/TV/Games?
Casey - I'm addicted to fiber. I knit, crochet, spin and weave. I recently became the proud owner of two wonderful looms and I'm anxious to get them set up and do some serious weaving. We also have two dogs, Oscar (a Jack Russell) and Ernie (an Airedale) so they take up a lot of time.
Amber - What books do you like to read? Any favourite authors or series that you have to have?
Casey - Actually, when I'm writing, I don't like to read fiction. When I do, I find myself comparing my writing to the writing of whoever it is I'm reading. So my fiction reading is usually limited to the times when I'm between books. When I am working on a book, I usually read nonfiction. But then, as I mentioned earlier, I'm a knitter and a spinner and a weaver. When I'm not writing, I'm usually doing one of those things rather than reading.
As for favorite authors, I have so many, including Elizabeth Peters (mystery), Emilie Richards (mystery and women's fiction), CR Corwin (mystery), Maureen Child (romance and paranormal). The list goes on and on.
Amber - What is your most memorable moment of being an author?
Casey - Hmmm...that's a tough one. I think it might have been something that happened recently. I was in a yarn shop (big surprise!) and I had my knitting bag along with me. It's a big red tote that I got at a recent Malice Domestic (mystery) conference. There was another lady in the shop who saw the tote and said, "Do you like mysteries?" "Yes," I said, "I do." She grinned and it was obvious she was sharing very exciting news. "I'm going to the library next week," she said. "To see the author, Casey Daniels."
Yeah, I was speaking at that particular library the next week. And I was honored to think a reader was that excited about meeting me!
Amber - You are stranded on a desert island. What 5 items do you hope to have with you?
Casey - 5 items? Yikes! Do people count? If they do, it would have to be my husband, my daughter, my son. As long as we're populating the island, we'll bring along my daughter's boyfriend and that leaves me one, so maybe the two dogs could count as one!
If we're not talking people, my five items would be: yarn and needles (the way I see it, that's two, no matter how much yarn I bring), a loom, my spinning wheel and a big batch of wool to spin. Of course if I'm designing the island, I'm also going to make sure it includes a really interesting cemetery!
Amber - Thank you so much Casey! I hope you will come by again sometime!

Casey has nicely said she will give a signed copy of her upcoming release,Night of the Loving Dead
So to enter this weeks contest all you have to do is tell me what your plans for New Years Eve! No plans = No entry!
You can get an extra entry by posting about this interview and contest somewhere on the web. Just make sure you leave me a link so I confirm your entry!
The contest will be open until Sunday the 4th of January 2009 4pm CET. All entrants should check back to see if they won! I will pick a new winner if the prize isn't claimed within 7 days.
So enter away and tell your friends!
Labels: Author Interviews, Casey Daniels, Contests

At 28 December 2008 at 13:11, shaunesay
Thank you for visiting us Casey! I was excited to see a new one in this series at Borders this weekend! I would love to be entered for this contest!
My plans for New Year's Eve... well, whenever I finally get home from work, it will probably be snacking and playing video games with the husband and step-son!
Thank you for another great contest Amberkatze! (oh, and I'm nominating you for Kreativ Blogger, so check out my blog in awhile to come see, though I'm sure you've probably already won this one before! ;) )
At 28 December 2008 at 20:53, darbyscloset
Wow, I would love to get in on this series!
My plans for New Years Eve are not that earth shaking, we are going to go over to some friends house for snacks and games. New Years Day we are going out to eat and to a movie...there are so many good ones out now!!!
Thanks for the contest!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
It's so nice being able to check in with all of you! I love being here, and Amberkatze, I appreciate the smart interview. Thanks! As for New Year's Eve, we're going to spend the day at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum (Cleveland, Ohio). That's always fun. Then in the evening, we'll be here at home as usual. It's a pretty low-key holiday for us and my money's on being asleep before midnight! Then again, I could be enticed to an interesting cemetery. Wouldn't that be fun! At the stroke of twelve, a rustling in the bushes, a flash of something. Human? Ghost? Now THAT would be a terrific New Year's Eve!
At 29 December 2008 at 10:47, kalea_kane
My husband and I are planning on some alone time. This will be our second New Year's Eve as a married couple, and we are still about all things mushy. After years of working in night clubs and casinos on New Year's Eve, it is really nice to just get to relax with the man I love.
Thank you for the chance!
At 29 December 2008 at 11:44, Nancy
Hi Amber and Casey!
Casey, I've been completely hooked on your series since DON OF THE DEAD, and am eagerly awaiting NIGHT OF THE LOVING DEAD!
My New Year's plans are sketchy at the moment, but they will include watching bowl games (if airing) and dog sitting for my daughter. We'll take a walk on the beach, too, if the weather is good.
Blessings for your 2009!
Nancy Haddock
La Vida Vampire
Last Vampire Standing
At 29 December 2008 at 16:52, Vickie
Plans for New Years Eve are to stay home. We will have grilled shrimp, scallops and lobster. We may or may not see in the New Year. There is a five year old daughter in the mix who really likes to get Mommie up crack'o'dawn early...so Mommie isn't very good at staying up late.
Amber: Super interview! Thanks for having Casey with you.
Casey: Since you like fiber, have you read YARN HARLOT: THE SECRET LIFE OF A KNITTER - Stephanie Pearl-McPhee? I don't knit, but would love to learn after reading this book. It's hella funny and warm.
I really enjoyed the first in the Miranda Bliss series. How cool that you double name two cool series. I have two favorites in the Pepper Martin series, the titles and, of course, Pepper. She's spunky and makes me snort laugh.
We share two favorite authors, C R Corwin and Elizabeth Peters. I've only read the first C R Corwin, MORGUE MAMA, and looking for more that she writes. For Elizabeth Peters, I am more fond of Vicky Bliss than Amelia Peabody.
At 29 December 2008 at 17:03, Kimberly B.
Hi there! I have a copy of Don of the Dead and am eager to read the rest of the series! I also love Elizabeth Peters, both the Amelia and the Vicki books!
As for my New Year's Eve plans, I am going to a party on London time (meaning it starts slightly before midnight GMT) so that it will be over in time for the parents with little kids (which will be a lot of them) to get them to bed!
At 29 December 2008 at 18:58, K Giardina
Hello! I've read Pepper's first three adventures and am looking forward to her fourth. Amber, thanks for the contest and Casey, thanks for introducing Pepper to the world. She's a jewel!
This New Years will be all about the boy - he's 5 and old enough to enjoy a little (early) fireworks celebration. *smile* The grownups will toast in the New Year at midnight as we always do.
At 29 December 2008 at 20:07, Caffey
Oh this New Years Eve I'll probably be spending it online with my reader friends! I'm one who usually falls asleep before midnight!! But I'm vowing to stay awake this year! Its a day off for my hubby and we are going to spend the day with his dad who loves to have us visiting so I'm staring the new years eve into the day with my friends and family!
I'd love to be in the contest! This series so much sounds like all I love reading with Pepper's adventures! I love the paranormal theme. A joy to meet you too!
I really enjoyed the blog and I have been a fan of the Pepper Martin series for awhile! Love the cover for the next one!! and please do keep writing them! They are funny and a fresh new storyline on ghost! I really enjoy and I got my bff Gennell hooked on them as well! :)
I posted the contest here:http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog&pop=1&ping=1&indicate=1
We always watch Dick Clark's rocking eve and have snacks, a few close friends over and the kids friends. Then at Midnight on the East Coast I call home and wish them a Happy New Year and then celebrate our own with a kiss to my kids and hubby at midnight our time in Texas!
We have a blast and then watch the fire works outside as everyone sets them off!!
Great Contest and author! Thanks and hope ya'll have a Very Happy New Year!
(Chris J.)
At 30 December 2008 at 08:12, Kathy
I'll probably be spending a quiet evening at home this year. In the past, I've gone to BillyBob's Texas for a country music show, but I don't like the singer who is performing this year, so I'll probably just be home playing WOW. On Saturday night, we will be going out to dinner with friends, so that will probably be my NewYear'sCelebration. KathyB
At 30 December 2008 at 14:41, Cherie
Our New Years plans change from year to year. Last year it was a house party at a friends, the year before, first night in Boston. Living in New England, we often let the weather dictate our plans. We had tentative plans for First Night again this year, but brrrr... it's supposed to be below 0 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind chill so it won't be very enjoyable. So now those of us that were planning to head into town will hole up somewhere (place as yet undecided) and ring in the new year while staying warm and cozy!
I hope you have a great time whatever you decide to do as well!
At 31 December 2008 at 18:59, Wrighty
This book sounds good and I would love to read it! Great interview. It's the 31st and we are sitting by the fire, watching some TV and I'm reading and catching up on the computer. I have lots to do. My kids are out with friends and going to a bonfire. It's below zero with the windchill factor so I'm hoping they break things up early. I'm happy to stay in now days. I had plenty of new year's eves that I spent socializing. I'll welcome 2009 from home! Thanks for your contest and I've added it to my blog. Happy new year!
At 3 January 2009 at 18:30, Lori T
Great interview!!
We do the same thing that we do every year. We go to my Mom's house where my brother, sister, their families, and my two older kids and their babies... all gather for dinner and then we watch the ball drop and the kids and grown-ups drink sparkling grape juice and throw confetti, pop poppers, and spray silly string all over each other.
This year the turn out was a bit smaller as my Mom had to work, my brother and his family went to my sister-in-laws, and my daugters were at work. But we still had lots of fun and the kids had a great time.
I hope that everyone had a very Happy New Year!!
Sleeping! After all the holiday rush and such I am just going to sleep for New Years! LOL...zzzzzzz