Amber - Kelley! Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions. I am sure my readers will be interested to see what you have to say. You have a new Women of the Otherworld book out right now so maybe we should start there. What is the Women of the Otherworld?
Kelley - Women of the Otherworld is my main series. It features a changing set of supernatural women, each with their own story, usually suspense adventures. Though the narrators change, it's set in a shared world, so the characters from one book often appear in the others.
Amber - The new book is called Living with the Dead and is the 9th book in the series. Who and what is this newest release about?
Kelley - Robyn Peltier is the PR rep for the girl who wants to be the next Paris Hilton. When her client winds up dead, Robyn is the prime suspect. As Robyn struggles to clear her name, though, she finds herself in the middle of a supernatural turf-war. Helping her is her best friend, Hope Adams, and Hope's mysterious boyfriend, Karl Marsten...two supernaturals who are trying very hard to protect Hope's human friend from finding out things about her world that she's really better off not knowing.
Amber - Now I know there is a 10th book planned for the Otherworld series called Frostbitten. Who is that book going to be about? How many more Otherworld books can we expect?
Kelley - It returns to my first (and most popular) narrator, Elena Michaels, the only living female werewolf. Elena and her partner, Clay, head off to Alaska to investigate a series of supposed wolf kills. I recently signed a contract to extend the series to #13.
Amber - There is a Men of the Otherworld book due out in February. Is it the first in a new series from the guys perspective or something else?
Kelley - It's actually an anthology of four stories (two long, two shorter). Three of them are ones that I did a few years ago for my online novellas (they're no longer online!) and one is a new story. All are about the men of my werewolf Pack. This is a charity project for me, with all my proceeds going to World Literacy of Canada, so I'm very excited about that.
Amber - Who is your favourite Otherworld characters? Are any of them based on yourself or people you know?
Kelley - I like them all for different reasons. The easiest to write, though, is Elena, because I've done her voice the most often. All have characteristics of myself and people I know, but none are based on anyone specifically
Amber - How was the Otherworld series born?
Kelley - Bitten was a standalone novel. It was only after it sold that the publishers began asking about the possibility of a series. I said I'd consider it if I could introduce other supernatural "races" in addition to the werewolves, and spin off to other narrators rather than write a "werewolf series."
Amber - Back in July 'The Summoning' the amazing debut to your new 'Darkest Powers' series was released. How was this series born and how many more books can we expect from this series?
Kelley - The Summoning is a young adult version of my Otherworld--same universe with new characters. I had an idea that needed supernaturals just coming into their powers, and in the Otherworld, that happens in their teens, so it had to be a book about teenaged characters. It's a trilogy right now, but I've recently been contracted for 3 more young adult books, and they'll probably be in the same series.
Amber - Now if two series weren't enough you also have a third non paranormal series. Exit Strategy was the first in the Nadia Stafford series and Made To Be Broken is due out next year. How was this series born? Did you really feel the need to get away from the paranormal?
Kelley - I started Exit Strategy after my third Otherworld book was written and there was some concern because the first two hadn't sold as well as the publisher hoped. I was about halfway done the book when I sold Dime Store Magic and everything took off. A few years ago, my agent asked if I wanted to finish Exit Strategy, and I did. I read a lot of crime thrillers, so it would be my second choice of genre to write in and makes a nice change of pace.
Amber - How do you find the time to write three different series and treat us with so many new releases each year? Are you working on any other projects?
Kelley - Right now, I'm a little too busy. I was ahead of schedule, but then my publishers started bringing out the books earlier than planned, so I lost my "lead-time." Things will slow down after next year. As for other projects, I'm also working on a 5-issue story for the 6th season comics of Angel (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Amber - What do you do to relax and get away from writing? Do you ever need long breaks from certain characters, series or just writing altogether?
Kelley - Right now, not a lot! Like I said, I'm a little over-extended at the moment. Having different series and different narrators within the Otherworld one gives me breaks, though.
Amber - Did you always want to be a writer? What are some of best memories as a writer so far?
Kelley - I always wrote, but didn't always plan to be a writer--in my family it was a hobby, not a career. Best memories? Winning my first contest as a child. Finishing my first book. Selling my first published book (which is not the first one I wrote!)
Amber - What books do you like to read when you have time? Are there any authors of series that are must haves for you?
Kelley - I sample a lot of genres when I read, but my favourite is crime thrillers. Authors whose latest releases I always pick up? Jeffrey Deaver, Karin Slaughter, Giles Blunt and Jonathan Kellerman.
Amber - What kind of music and Tv programmes do you enjoy? Do any of them come through into your books?
Kelley - for music, just general rock/pop, nothing fancy. For TV, drama, particularly ones with crime or fantasy aspects--my current "must record" shows are House, CSI, True Blood and Heroes (which I keep hoping will get better this season) I don't know that any of them come though in my books, except that they reflect my own tastes, which probably show in my writing.
Amber - If you got stranded on a desert island what five things would you like to have with you?
Kelley - I'm going to presume I'm not allowed to include people among those things
Amber – A huge thank you Kelley for taking the time to answer my questions! I hope you will come back and visit again someday!
Contest Time
Kelley was lovely enough to say she will send one lucky winner a signed copy of one of her books! The winner gets to choose which one and there are no mailing restrictions!
I will also offer the same prize but not signed of course ;) and for my prize you you can pick a pre-order!
So you have 2 chances to win a Kelley Armstrong book of your choice!
You can enter by posting here on this thread telling me which is your favourite Kelley Armstrong book or character is. Not favourite mention - No entry!
You can earn yourself an extra entry by posting about this contest and interview somewhere on the web. Make sure you post a link here so I can confirm your entry!
The contest is open until Sunday 7th of December 4pm CET. Winners have 7 days to claim their prize or I will pick new winners. I do not go searching for winners! Do come back and check!
Labels: Author Interviews, Contests, Kelley Armstrong
At 30 November 2008 at 15:36, Nancy
OMG, it's Kelley Armstrong!
I stumbled on the Women of the Otherworld series a few years ago, bought and devoured each one to that date, and now darn near trip other shoppers to get Kelley's releases!
I started with DIME STORE MAGIC, and I loved Paige as narrator. Then I loved Elena. Then I read HAUNTED, and Eve as the narrator blew me away. A favorite book/ favorite narrator? Surely you jest?
Okay, if I have to pick a favorite, it's Paige. Fave book? HAUNTED until I read the next on on my list! :)
Wonderful interview, Kelley and Amber. This was a huge treat!
Nancy Haddock
La Vida Vampire
At 30 November 2008 at 15:52, cheesygiraffe
Great interview! Thanks Kelley and Amber! :)
My favorite is Bitten. Nothing has compared to it yet. I love Elena and can't wait till your next book from the Women of the Otherworld comes out since Elena is starring in it. :D
p.s. I went to the library yesterday and got Living with the Dead. I'm reading it next. I have to finish The Black Jewels Trilogy first. ;)
Thanks for the great interview, Amber and Kelley!
When I started the WotO series, Elena really clicked with me. In fact, when I got to Paige's book I was disappointed that it wasn't from Elena's POV anymore. But since then I've also grown rather fond of Paige and even the rest of the POV characters, but Elena still remains my favorite (and I'm so excited to hear that another book from her POV is forthcoming!). As for the male characters, I really like Jeremy.
Karen (aka karendawn)
At 30 November 2008 at 16:31, Jackie Uhrmacher
It's hard to pick a favorite from this series! Mine is a three-way tie between Bitten, Industrial Magic, and Haunted. Bitten was one of the first series I started in the paranormal genre and it grabbed from the beginning--Industrial Magic was one of the most emotionally powerful novels I've read--and Haunted was such a new take on the genre that I can't help but reread it constantly.
Great interview!
At 30 November 2008 at 17:17, Susan Helene Gottfried
Hellloooo, ladies! I was thinking the other day, Amber, that I miss your weekly e-mails with what's going on here. So I stop in and what do I find? One of the coolest women out there. THAT is karma for you.
No need to enter me (unless you've got an extra copy of Dime Store Magic laying around; I'm behind, I know!). I'm just dropping in to say hi and to let you know I've got this posted over at Win a Book.
I would have to say that Paige is my favourite character but that Haunted is the best book. I love Paige's personality more because she is wily and caring and deeply in love with Lucas, which is great to see. Haunted is my favourite because I love the narrative style of tracing the Nix through time and reading the different aside stories of how it damanged so many disparate lives! And of course, Eve is a fabulous ass-kicker!
Thanks for the interview, both to Amber and Kelley!
My favourite character is Eve..... I hate to admit it but I hated her when she first was introduced as a character but with Haunted I found the fierce Mother that I had grown to love...... the references to the hockey player in her life were funny..... as a hockey mom made the book and her more real.
hockey vampiress
Shell Bryce
At 30 November 2008 at 21:44, Jamie
So awesome to see the interview from Kelley. She's really become one of my favorite authors over the last two years.
I honestly loved the latest book, Living with the Dead. It was wonderful to have a character like Robyn Peltier introduced and getting to see the supernatural world from the perspective of someone who has just been dumped into it. She handled it so well! Plus, I really like Hope and Karl. I can see them in my head when I read them and that makes it hard not to like them.
My favorite character though is Elena. I always love when she's in a book, even if it's just a mention. I'm so excited for the new book.
Outside of the Otherworld series, I really enjoyed Exit Strategy and I'm looking forward to the next one being released! I was so worried that we wouldn't see another one!
And I mentioned this on my livejournal in public post!
platyg @ gmail . com
At 1 December 2008 at 00:50, Cherie
It's always nice to be reminded that our favourite authors are human after all, and lovely to hear from Kelley.
My favourite character is probably Elena. She was the first one I read about, so that has stayed with me. I'm really looking forward to Frostbitten being released!
I posted on my livejournal here: http://springfire.livejournal.com/67136.html passing the message on to other Kelley fans that I have on my friends list. ;-)
At 1 December 2008 at 05:49, Eva Lony
Great interview. And it's funny that even her is hoping Heroes gets better. I don't think it's going to happen now. :(
My favorite characters definitively are Lucas & Paige. They're so cute and geeky, they always make me laugh. So, of course, my favorite book is Industrial Magic. <3
I linked the interview on my LJ : http://azhureheart.livejournal.com/764400.html
At 1 December 2008 at 06:58, Cherie
You never forget your first! ;) ELENA will always be my favorite!!
Thanks for the interview Kelley and Amber! :) Kelley, you are one of my absolute favorite authors and everything you write goes right into my personal collection! :)
I also posted at my own blog for an contest additional entry: http://books.cheriepie.com/2008/12/contest-autographed-kelley-armstrong.html
Thanks again! :)
(Sorry if this goes through multiple times.)
I posted the link to the Kelley Armstrong fan community I run: http://community.livejournal.com/stonehaven/35732.html
Favourite characters: Elena and Clay are definitely up there, but so are Jaime, Jas, and Jeremy.
Open ID's not working for me, but I'm pith.livejournal.com.
At 1 December 2008 at 12:24, ceruleandreams
I just posted about this on my blog, too:
At 2 December 2008 at 07:02, Shelbycat
I've just started to read Personal Demon after having not read any others in the series and have found it excellent so far, no need to have read the previous ones. However, i now need to buy all the previous books having discovered that i love these books!! So obviously so far my favourite character is Hope because she is the only person i've read about so far.
Wow!! Actually interviewing Kelley, you lucky woman! I don't think I'd be able to interview her - I'd be unable to speak due to being a puddle on the floor at meeting one of my all time fave authors :-D
I think my fave book is Exit Strategy (love the atmosphere and suspense), or Haunted - Eve is a fantastic character who I've grown to love and admire.
But my fave character is Elena - I'm not sure whether I want to be her or marry her! I think the latter actually ;-)
At 2 December 2008 at 17:37, Jo Anne
I first discovered Kelley when I found Dime Store Magic. I was hooked from there. All the books are great but I guess I have to say that Bitten is my favorite and I like Jaime the best She's a little like me, older, than the rest but not by much.but I really hate to say that because all the women are kick ass and I like them all I have all the books in hard cover. I rebought Bitten because I had soft to start with. Wait Dime Store was paper to. Kelley thanks for all the great advice on NaNoWriMo on your site. It helped.
Jo Anne
At 2 December 2008 at 20:19, Lori T
I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I have not read Kelley's books yet but she is in my tbr pile and I have heard such amazing stuff about her that I am really looking forward to reading her. I have the first couple books in my tbr pile and I am hoping that I am able to be included in the contest.
I have even picked up her young adult book!
At 4 December 2008 at 08:06, Tyava
I would have to say Eve is my favourite character. She walks that fine line between good and bad but whatever she does she usually has good intentions. I can relate to her the most in that most of us try to do the right thing it just doesn't always work out that way ... and sometimes to disastrous results!
Twittered about this interview: http://twitter.com/Tyava
And posted on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=547096792&v=feed&viewas=547096792&pub=2915120374
At 4 December 2008 at 08:17, Unknown
Hiya! I loved this interview! It was very detailed... I love Zoe and hope to see more of her character! My favorite story to date would have to be No Humans Involved. I posted the link onto my Twitter site
https://twitter.com/ My name is BrittanyKG....
also I posted on my Myspace
At 5 December 2008 at 00:28, LadyVampire2u
A favorite book and character?!? Wow, that is so hard a pick because Kelley has too many great books out and I love all her characters in them. But okay, if I absolutely had to pick just one character, I would pick Elena. She's smart, witty, tough. All things I admire. And my favorite book would be Stolen. Why Stolen before Bitten, I honestly don't know. There's just something about the book and how it's written. I've posted about this contest on my blog: http://ladyvampire2u.blogspot.com . Thanks for entering me and Happy Holidays.
At 6 December 2008 at 13:03, Marg
I have really enjoyed all the books that I have read by Kelley. It's hard to choose a favourite Women of the Otherworld series out of Stolen, Haunted and No Humans Involved, but if I HAVE to pick one, I would probably pick No Humans Involved. I also loved Exit Strategy and can't wait to read the next Nadia Stafford book!
I have blogged about your contest here
At 6 December 2008 at 17:36, drey
Dime Store Magic was the first Kelley Armstrong book I read, and it's still my fave. Paige is gutsy and smart, just my kind of girl. =)
I blogged about the contest here.
Great interview! I'm really, really excited for Kelley's run on Angel.
I've enjoyed all her books, but I think HAUNTED is my favourite. I had a blast with it.
Thanks for hosting the contest! I've snuck in a last-minute plug for you in my Sunday Salon post. :)
Hi Amber, and hi Kelley!
Great interview :)
Women of the Otherworld is one of my all-time fave series. All the books (exept the recent one which I've not read yet) are in my personal collecton. I have to say that my fave character is Clay (I can't help it, his accent gets me everytime...)
I'm looking forward to reading all the new stuff coming out, too.