Keep reading to the end for the contest! You could win a copy of her debut book or even a nice prize package!
Amber - *Isn't talking to herself* Hi Amber! Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! Thank you for being my guest this week. Maybe you can start things off by telling my readers a little bit about your latest release 'Cave of Terror'?
Amber - Cave of Terror is a story about a teen gymnast who finds out on her 16th birthday that she's anything but human. And to compound her problems, she learns she's also a hunter of evil--her clan's protector. She must try to weave her two lives together all the while dealing with a cheerleader who lives to make her life miserable, a gymnastics coach who wants to see her make Nationals, an evil entity that stalks her, and the stirrings of first love.
Amber - How did the idea for Cave of Terror come about? Was it something that just happened? or was it a long process?
Amber - Well, I knew I wanted to try a young adult novel that revolved around a teenage gymnast who finds out she's a vampire and must adjust to her new life. The part where the cave comes in happened on Halloween while I was touring a local cave. For some reason on that particular day, bats were everywhere in the cave, which was unusual. Bats were even flying right over head, especially MY head. The tour guide dubbed me the bat magnet since the only other time bats had been as active was the last time I had visited a month or so before. From that point, the story just pulled together.
Amber - You main character Cheyenne is a sixteen year old gymnast and vampire. How easy it was it to be a teenager again? Were you every gymnast? Vampire? Know any?
Amber - This was the easy part! I live with two teenagers, and they keep me young while turning me gray.
Amber - In the Cave of Terror you really change the normal vampire myths. Did you change the myths to suit the story or did you twist the myths then write the story?
Amber - When I created my vampires, I looked at them biologically, as being of another species--one that hasn't been scientifically realized due to the monster myths. My vamps are not "undead" like most. They have beating hearts and breathe using lungs. The difference is they need a specific part of the blood to live, have specialized senses and abilities, and live much longer than humans. The reason they integrate into the normal human world is because of the fear and prejudice associated with anything different. Humans tend not to be very accepting of anything they don't understand, so my vamps "pretend" to be human to avoid the mob mentality.
Amber - So how much more of Cheyenne are we going to see? Will there be more books in the series?
Amber - Yes! I have another in the Vanatar Diairies series coming out Fall of 2009 called A Ghostly Affair. In this story, Cheyenne encounters a spirit she must deal with.
Amber - Did you always want to write Young Adult books? How did you get into the genre?
Amber - No, I've been a straight romance writer for the most part. I think what appealed to me was the whole concept of discovering love for the first time. All those wonderful crazy feelings. I met my husband when I was 15 and we've been together ever since. I remember it like it was yesterday. Also, I like the fact that most YAs don't get into heavy sex. With the market pushing for more and more of it over the last few years, I was ready for a change. And I think looking through fresh eyes is exciting. Experiencing things for the first time.
Amber - I know you have written more books. Maybe you can tell us a bit about them?
Amber - Cave of Terror is my first full length novel, but I do have 4 anothologies out in which I have a short story in each one. I have 3 Christmas Anthologies (Christmas Wishes, Romance Upon a Midnight Clear, and Flames of Gold) and one called No Law Against Love 2.
Amber - Which genre do you prefer writing? Which age is easier to write?
Amber - Hands down paranormal, whether it be adult or YA. I would have to say I found that the words seemed to flow easier with the YA. Something about the snarky, sarcastic tone of teenagers. Not that I'm sarcastic or snarky, mind you.
Amber - Do you have any other projects you would like to tell us about?
Amber - My current project is the next in the Vanator Diaries Series, then I have a pirate story, a western, and a few other shorts to be included in anthologies. At some point, I plan to start a full length western before my dad disowns me. I've been promising him one for the last 2 years.
Amber - How do you relax? and what kind of atmosphere do you need when you are writing?
Amber - Relax? Is there such a thing? If I do get some free time, I love to watch movies and read.
Amber - Believe it or not, I write best in the living room with the TV going and life happening around me. I don't think I could concentrate if it was quiet. I have two teens after all--drama, drama, drama.
Amber - What are your favourite TV/Film's at the moment? Any favourite songs/bands?
Amber - I love anything paranormal, so Supernatural is high on my list for TV shows. I also like Ghost Hunters, A Haunting, Gossip Girl, Dancing With the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, Army Wives, The Tudors, and Desperate Housewives. I loved Moonlight and Bloodties, but they were canceled. Seriously, what were they thinking? As far as movies go, I tend to like romantic comedies. Some of my favorite movies include P.S. I Love You, A Knights Tale, The Notebook, Notting Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Phantom of the Opera. My current favorite songs are anything from Chris Daughtry, So What by Pink, and I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry. Okay, there are a few country songs I like (although I will deny it) such as Kiss My Country A**, Before He Cheats, Hillbilly Deluxe, and Cleaning My Gun.
Amber - When you have time to read what do you curl up with? Any must have authors or series?
Amber - I love historical and paranormal romances. And anything Scottish. My two favorite authors of all time are Bertrice Small and Johanna Lindsey. Some other authors I enjoy are Julie Kenner, Julia London, Sherrilyn Kenyon (Dark Hunters), Christine Feehan, Lori Handeland, Kresley Cole, Victoria Laurie, and P.C. Cast (Houst of Night).
Amber - You are stuck on a deserted island. What 5 things do you hope you have with you?
Amber - Okay, I'm going to pretend there is electricity on this deserted island as well as great reception. I couldn't live without my laptop, iPhone, Barqs rootbeer, TV, and jalepeno stuffed olives.
Amber - Thank you so much for being my guest! I hope you will come back again soon!
Amber - Thank you for having me!
Contest Time!
Amber is an absolute star and is giving 3 prizes away!
First prize she is giving away is for open to the US only and is a gift package. The package includes a stuffed golden retriever (like Roxie in the book), a t-shirt on with a design that deals with the book, a copy of the book, a pen, and some other goodies.
Then there are two copies of The Cave of Terror to win in e-book format for everyone else. The winners of the e-books will also get a bookmark in the post no matter where they live.
So if you want to try and win one of these prizes post on this thread telling me what Young Adult books/series you enjoy. No mention = No entry!
Please make sure to mention if you are in the US or not.
You can win yourself another entry into the contest by posting about this interview and giveaway somewhere on the web. Make sure you post a link so I can confirm your entry.
The contest is open until Sunday 21st of December 4pm CET. All entrants should check back in to see if they won as I will pick new winners if prizes are not claimed within 7 days. I don't hunt down winners!
So enter away!!!
Labels: Amber Dawn Bell, Author Interviews, Contests

At 14 December 2008 at 12:48, Angela @ Reading Angels
There are so many great YA series that I love, Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead, Blue Blood by Melissa de la Cruz, Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine and Jennifer Scales series by MaryJanice Davidson are at the top of the list :-)
I'm in the U.S.
I also pimped the contest on my blog.
Hi Everyone! This is Amber Dawn Bell. I'll be checking back often, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. And if anyone would like a book mark (in plastic sleeve with a pink tassel and a gold bat), I'll be happy to send you one! Just contact me at amber@amberdawnbell.com and give me your address!
At 14 December 2008 at 19:51, Wrighty
Congrats on your new book Amber! I can't wait to read it. I do enjoy YA series and of course Harry Potter is a favorite. I also like some new ones too like The Hunger Games and The Nicholas Flamel series.
Good luck and thank you to both Ambers for this contest. I'm adding it to my blog and I'm in the U.S. Happy holidays!
At 14 December 2008 at 20:46, Caffey
Don't put me in the contest, I'd love to see a young adult reader win. I haven't read a young adult book in too long, but I so got the feel again about how the flow is with the ease of reading them too! I remember not long ago reading an excerpt of a young adult book I read and seeing how the flow was different and so made for a fast read too! Congrats on your release! A joy meeting you!
At 14 December 2008 at 22:08, Dawn M.
Some of my favorite YA books/authors:
Twilight series - Stephenie Meyer
The Mortal Instruments series - Cassandra Clare
Wicked Lovely - Melissa Marr
Tithe - Holly Black
Darkest Powers series - Kelley Armstrong
Morganville Vampires - Rachel Caine
Evernight - Claudia Gray
Ones I'm looking forward to reading:
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
My Soul To Take - Rachel Vincent
Cave of Terror sounds like my kind of book. I'd love to win.
Thanks! :0)
I'm in the US.
At 15 December 2008 at 17:51, Asylumgirl
I like the Vampire Kisses series by Ellen Schreiber. Also, the Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine. I didn't realize that she was so popular. Go Rachel! The Twilight series has been a favorite of mine since the beginning. Stephenie Meyers hit the mother lode with that series. It's pure magic. The Harry Potter series is much the same.
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
At 16 December 2008 at 13:35, October Woman
One of my favorite YA series is the Mediator Series by Meg Cabot, about a girl who sees ghosts and gets (sometimes by force) them to move on. My daughter loves the Twilight series but I'll admit I haven't gotten around to reading them yet. And someone mentioned the Jennifer Scales series, I've been planning to try that one also someday.
At 19 December 2008 at 11:51, Asylumgirl
Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series and Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampire series are two of my current favorites. I also like the Vampire Kisses series by Ellen Schreiber as well as Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan and the Eragon series by Christopher Paolini. The Harry Potter series by the incomparable J.K. Rowling is also at the top of my list.
At 20 December 2008 at 17:13, Paradox
I love YA fiction, in fact, too many series to name. But some of my favorites are the Stravaganza series by Mary Hoffman, the Faerie Wars Quartet by Herbie Brennan, the Uglies and Midnighters series by Scott Westerfeld, Gone by Michael Grant, The Hungry City Chronicles by Philip Reeve, anything by Neal Schusterman, and The Gatekeepers series by Anthony Horowitz.
I posted about the contest here: http://paradoxrevealed.blogspot.com/2008/12/official-contest-list.html
My favorite young adult series is the stephenie meyer twilight series. LOVE THEM! But I am always looking for more great books!