Tuesday 20 May 2008
Anybody visiting my blog on a regular basis will know who author J.F. Lewis is. He kindly let me interview him a few weeks ago and I had a contest to win a copy of his brilliant debut novel, 'Staked'. Well I got an e-mail today with some news I thought I would share with you!


I haven't signed anything yet, but it looks like they are definitely going
to publish book two... My editor made an offer on ReVamped, the sequel to
Staked. Oh... and t-shirts are now available for sale via my home page
(http://authoratlarge.com) click on the button that says "Shop."

Thanks again for all your help getting the word out about Staked!



So go get 'Staked' if you haven't already got a copy because book #2 is coming!!! Oh and go check out the T-Shirts. They are really cool!

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posted by Unknown at Tuesday, May 20, 2008 |


At 24 May 2008 at 10:19, Anonymous Anonymous

I'm going, I'm going! After his intervewis and getting a feel for his angle on the genre I was sold.


At 26 May 2008 at 09:17, Blogger Unknown

I really can't wait for 'Revamped'! I wonder if I can convince someone to send me a pre release copy to review...


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