Sunday 6 July 2008
Sunday again! Another week gone by and another week or work about to start. Wooohooo! Not!

This weeks picture is from here. This cover for a Magazine for healthy vampires is something I found while looking around and had to keep it saved. The stories this cover boasts having inside is more than amusing and it is a shame that this mag doesn't really exist!

Although any vampire lovers out there who like the idea of a magazine should check out 'Bite Me'. I am the book reviewer for this great magazine and it is available for order here. You can also order the previous issues as well if some take your fancy! On a side note I will be giving away a few copies again soon!

So what has been happening this week? Well I got lots of new books but there are 2 that are still missing that I wanted asap! Yasmine Galenorn's Dragon Wytch still has a release date for October here in Europe even though it was released in the States this week. I am hoping a copy finds me soon because I really love this series. Also Undead and Unworthy by MaryJanice Davidson came out this week but my copy hasn't arrived yet. I wish there was a nice bookstore here that actually stocked all these books and for a reasonable price instead of me relying on online companies!

While going through my sites that I always visit at least once a week I found that 'Darque Reviews' has gone quiet and
that for some reason I can't get Literary Escapism to work! However on a positive note Vampire Genre is making a come back and the lovely Vicky London will be posting her paranormal reviews again! Great news!

So that was all for this week. Not much going on but then again Summer is here and people have better things to do with their time ;) I will finish off by pointing you here to sign up to get my blog newsletter sent to your email so you don't miss the newest reviews, interviews and contests!

Also if you want to chat, tell me what you are reading or just hang out! I am Amberkazte over on Goodreads and I have started a group for 'Amberkatze's Book Blog'. If you want to join email me at Amberkatzes_book_blog(at)

So now I am off to pick a winner for the 'Wicked Game' contest and then I will hopefully get some reading done before posting the new interview and contest later this evening!

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posted by Unknown at Sunday, July 06, 2008 |


At 6 July 2008 at 09:38, Anonymous Anonymous

Hope the other blogs you mentioned are just taking a breather for the holiday. I know it's hard to keep so many going (how you do it is beyond me). And the book chat looks like it might be fun. I should swing on by just cause.


At 6 July 2008 at 19:32, Blogger Kimberly Swan

Hi Amber....A lot of thought must have gone in to that Vampire's Heath cover! Have any of your other pre-orders changed back to the earlier dates, or are they all still showing later in the year?

I had a little vacation (ha, ha) and a little mishap. lol I'm back, but will be a little slow these next few days catching up. :)


At 7 July 2008 at 15:47, Anonymous Anonymous

Jackie, the blogger @ Literary Escapism, has been posting in the PNR yahoo group about her temporary technical problems with her internet, which is making her unable to update her blog.

In moving to a new home, the DSL work order got screwed up or lost, then more delays and problems ...

Today 7/7/08 Jackie posted that she hopes to have Literary Escapism back up and running within 7-10 days -- great news, as Lit. Esc. and AmberK's book blog are the two blogs I MAKE time to read faithfully!!

I'll post to Jackie at the PNR group to let her know you've missed her during this bloggus interruptus ;-)

Teri / ladiibbug


At 8 July 2008 at 20:28, Anonymous Anonymous

I bought a house! Heaven help me I'm ecstatic about being in a huge debt.

I heard that you were wondering where I went. Ever since we moved, our internet has been wonky.

Although, I have to say, when you have a blog, you never know who is really reading it and who says there are. So it's nice to know that people were wondering where I was.


At 10 July 2008 at 13:11, Blogger Unknown

@ Pike - The goodreads group is there but it needs some more time and life! I hope more people will stop by!

@ Kimberly - I hope you are back reading and reviewing! How dare you take a holiday ;)

@ Ladiibbug - Thank you for keeping me up to date!! You are always sending me the best info! Keep away from the fires!!

@ Jackie - I hope someone is reading the blog...enough people are entering the contests and have signed up for the newsletter!


At 10 July 2008 at 15:57, Blogger Kimberly Swan

Hey Amber...I'm back, mostly. *grin* Yep, not only did I go on vacation, but I had the nerve to come back injured. lol


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