Sunday, 15 June 2008
Here is another Sunday Round-up actually on a Sunday! Yay me! So what is new out there this week? Let's have a look...

Author Yasmine Galenorn has been busy! She has a fan club over on Facebook. The more fans who sign up as members the more chance of winning something! So go over and join here! There is also a forum here where readers have the chance to ask questions and find out more about her books. Also she has a new blog to help you keep up to date and also win some goodies! Also if that wasn't enough there is also Yasmine Galenorn @ Sidhe Vicious this week. The link to Sidhe Vicious is on my links page on the sidebar. Unfortunately my browser crashes if I open the site :(

Over on Suburban Vampire this week the poll is - What upcoming vampire movies/TV shows are you the most excited about? Luckily you can vote more than once! 'True Blood' is definitely the one I really can't wait for but I have to say 'Cirque du Freak' could be really good!

Need to add some more books to your wishlist? Check out Patricia's Vampire Notes for vampire titles being released this year.

For all those people out there who still haven't read anything by Stephanie Meyer here is a poll to help you decide which Stephenie Meyer book is the book for you.

Want people to wonder what you are reading? Want to make sure your books stay in good shape while you are carrying them around in your bag? Have a look at this! I will have to get some...need money first...

I am happy to announce that this blog is R Rated ;)

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Created by OnePlusYou

If you really want a laugh you have to go over to the 'League of Reluctant Adults'. To say they are funny is a big understatement. They are just zombiefied and cool!

Also please pop over to 'Something Wicked' They are having alot of fun over there too!

Lastly I can tell you that there are some cool contests and interviews coming up! Not sure when the next one will be up but you can always click here and always get a message when I post something new ;)

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posted by Unknown at Sunday, June 15, 2008 |


At 15 June 2008 at 11:12, Blogger Kimberly Swan

Congrats on getting the round-up posted today. *grin* Looks like you've had a really great reading/reviewing week too. :)


At 15 June 2008 at 11:54, Blogger Shanna Vaughn

Thanks for the plug on my Hide-a-Book covers. You're a doll, Amber. Gotta take advantage of that weak American dollar :)


At 15 June 2008 at 12:00, Blogger Unknown

@ Kimberly - I did have a great week but I read less than usual...

@ Vicky - I will have to go back and have another look. I think my credit card maybe ok...


At 16 June 2008 at 10:35, Blogger Ladytink_534

I haven't read Yasmine Galenorn yet but I've heard good things about her series so I recommended it as a group read for one of my online reading groups.

I can't wait for True Blood!!!! It's taking way too long for it come out.


At 21 June 2008 at 21:03, Blogger Yasmine Galenorn

Awww...thanks for the plugs, Amber! I get around, all right. ~grins~ Hey, what can I say? I'm a net junkie.



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