Wednesday, 16 April 2008

So to celebrate I will let you in on a few secrets. The next contest starting on Friday with be for some Lara Adrian books. The next 2 upcomming contests after that should be 'Rogue' by Rachel Vincent and 'Black Magic Woman' by Justin Gustainis. There should also be interviews with the authors to compliment the contests so keep coming back!
If you need to know what to buy book wise this month head over and check out this lovely list! I know I am adding a few more titles to my order list!
Bella and Edward are kicking butt over on the the Suburban Vampire poll this week! Seriously? I like them but really?
Oh and people keep entering the contest to win 'Staked'! It is only open till Friday!
Okay...that is enough. I need to read!
Labels: Book Talk, Contests, General, Just for Fun
Ha! A Hello Kitty Vlad tattoo. How cute.
Lisa Trevethan