Saturday, 12 April 2008

Murdered toms are turning up in the Pride territory and it doesn't take long for Faythe and her other Pride members to see that the murders are connected. If that wasn't enough there are strippers going missing on the same route. Coincidence? or do the murders and disappearances have something to do with each other?
With all that taking up Faythe's energy she has nothing left over to use on Marc. Marc is not only Faythe's partner off duty but also on duty so the relationship is touchy as it is. Throw in an ex-boyfriend and Faythe starts to get jumpy which results in some changes nobody will believe.
If the first book in this series 'Stray' was amazing this 2nd book can only be Super amazing! It isn't very often that a 2nd book is so much better than the first but in this cause it has been worth the wait and it was an enjoyable read.
I love the were-cats and Faythe is a female to be reckoned with. She is strong, hard and knows what she wants and does her best to get it. Her Pride are a great family unit who are always there for her. I love the way they interact and savour any new details about them.
This is clever, has alot of edge and tasty and needs to be devoured in one go. There is nothing else in this genre that comes even close to being as good as this shape shifting series. Well done Rachel and thanks for getting the 3rd part 'Pride' out in Autumn (especially with that ending!). It isn't such a long wait...but I would love to have it now!!
Oh and just to keep the fans up to date! This was posted on Rachel's site the other day which had me drooling!
On Monday, I accepted an offer from my publisher for 3 young adult urban fantasies, the first of which is my side project—now known as MY SOUL TO TAKE. Here’s the blurb my agent wrote for Publisher’s Marketplace (though I think it got reworded before it went out):
Cute boys, dead girls, and the urge to scream; Rachel Vincent’s debut YA, MY SOUL TO TAKE, features a high school junior who’s sure she’s losing her mind until she discovers she’s a perfectly sane teenage banshee, now she just has to figure out who’s killing the girls.
The book is dark, and (hopefully) creepy, but (also hopefully) fun, and I’ve never been so obsessed with a story in my life as I was with this one. Seriously. I took banshees and kind of made them my own for this series, and had an absolute blast coming up with a fantastical cast of creatures/characters. There are no witches, vampires, or shifters, because I didn’t have anything to add to the existing lore for those. At least, not without stepping on my own werecats’ toes. ;-) But I love the characters in this world, and I can’t wait to introduce you all to them. ;-)
Labels: Book Reviews, Books Read, New Releases
Hey, thanks Amber!