Monday 8 June 2009

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posted by Unknown at Monday, June 08, 2009 |


At 13 December 2009 at 04:29, Blogger Unknown

@ Anonymous - You are on the wrong site. Here is the link to the new site.


At 10 May 2010 at 18:57, Blogger Unknown

Hi Amber,

Victoria wanted to let you know that your blog is super cute! And that she's insanely busy through the summer, but if you would like to send her your interview questions, she will try to get to them when she can.


Jaa - webmaster for Victoria Laurie


At 12 May 2010 at 12:49, Blogger Unknown

Thank you so much Jaa!! I will send some along and look forward to reading her answers!

All the best!


At 20 May 2011 at 12:49, Blogger Unknown

Good blog! I'm not sure whether you would like to review some of my works (some of them could be put among paranormal I guess), but couldn't refrain from posting a suggestion of mine which anyone who likes fantasy/sci-fy/paranormal whould like too. I mean using sites like,, fiverr, etc? They could be a good way for promotion and "removing" stupidity in streets like headlines on t-shirts, fridge magnets, cups, etc. of the kind My Boyfriend kisses better than yours, FBI - Female Body Inspector, etc... Every author could use some good, wise quotes from his/her works, some poems, illustrations, etc. I'm allanbard there, I use some of my quotes, illustrations, poems, like: One can fight money only with money, Even in the hottest fire there's a bit of water, All the problems in the world lead to one - narrow-minded people, Money are amongst the last things that make people rich, or
Love and happiness will be around,
as all the chains will disappear!
And Mountaineers will climb their mount,
and there won't be any tear!
I guess such things sound and look much better than the usual we see every day? Good luck in the future! Let the wonderful noise of the sea always sounds in your ears! (a greeting of the water dragons' hunters - my 1st Tale Of The Rock Pieces).


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