Sunday 12 April 2009
I was in shock for a while when I realised that Amberkatze's Book Blog will be turning 2 on the 27th of April! Yes two years ago the blog started with just me letting my friends know what books I was reading and what I thought of them. Now there are alot of newsletter subscribers, loads of regular visitors and also great author interviews!

So in two weeks time there will be a few changes! I decided that the blog should get a Birthday present. So there will be a new banner and the colouring on the site will change a little. Also the blog address will slowly change...I have finally got an easier and shorter one!

If possible I will get some amazing author to celebrate with me...if not we can celebrate by ourselves. However I hope that you will all celebrate with me!

So make sure you come by in two weeks time to help me blow out the candles ;)


posted by Unknown at Sunday, April 12, 2009 |


At 12 April 2009 at 10:11, Blogger Mishel (P.S. I Love Books)

That's so exciting! Congrats 8)


At 12 April 2009 at 18:10, Anonymous Anonymous

congrats! thats quite a while to keep it updated very nicely


At 12 April 2009 at 18:53, Blogger Nancy

A big, giant, huge, humongous, spectacular CONGRATULATIONS, Amber!

Hope you have an awesome anniversary, and thank you for bring such terrific authors to your blog!

Nancy Haddock


At 13 April 2009 at 13:17, Blogger Vickie

Very cool! I look forward to your celebrations.


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