Sunday 1 March 2009
It is time to pick some winners! First up is the winner of the Mario Acevedo contest!

The winner will get a copy of Mario's new release 'Jailbait Zombie' and a devil duck! The winner has been picked by the randomizer so congratulations to -


To claim your prize, email me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot eu within the next 7 days. Send me your mailing address and I will send the details on to the author. If the prize isn't claimed within 7 days then I will pick a new winner. If you have claimed a prize and don't hear back from me within 2 days post here on the forum...maybe your email got eaten by my spam has been known to happen.

Which brings me onto my next winner! The claim time is up on the Cynthia Eden contest and the winner didn't contact me! So I am picking a new one...well the randomizer is! So congratulations to -


Please contact me as mentioned above within the next 7 days! Cynthia is eager to send the book out ;)

Oh and there is the new author interview and contest already up with Mark Henry (see below) but this week I have an extra author contest & guest blog. Tomorrow I will be posting it so make sure you check in. Clue...the author was already a guest here and has had a few accidents. Maybe someone will guess who it is ;)

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posted by Unknown at Sunday, March 01, 2009 |


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