Friday 16 January 2009
On a business trip to Chicago, Pepper Martin finds herself caught up in yet another ghost investigation. She wasn't planning on doing anything other than covering for her sick boss but when the ghost mentions the delicious doctor Dan Callahan she can't say no. As things go the seminar about cemeteries is enough to bore someone to death. So Pepper decides to help her new ghost visitor, Madeline.

Since Pepper hit her head on a tombstone she has been able to see ghosts. She has already helped a few ghosts and now this new specter Madeline wants her turn. Madeline knows Dan, a doctor who saved Pepper's life, and says he is in danger. Pepper knows Madeline isn't telling her everything but before she finds out the whole truth it is too late and Pepper is having her own personal ghostly experience.

Night of the Loving Dead is the fourth book in the Pepper Martin series and was the best yet. The background story about Dan finally made it to the main plot and it was interesting to find out more about him. Pepper stills has alot to learn about her ability and how to investigate for the dead. However I think she learnt some valuable lessons in this new installment.

I love this ghostly cozy mystery series and the witty style the author uses. The feisty main character makes this a delight to read and this is yet another January new release that has me already wishing for another sequel as soon as possible.

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posted by Unknown at Friday, January 16, 2009 |


At 16 January 2009 at 13:41, Blogger Vickie

This is such a fun series! NIGHT is in my shopping cart. Just have to hit the send button...


At 16 January 2009 at 22:46, Blogger kalea_kane

I found out about the series here, and I have Don of the Dead on its way to me. :) Thanks for all the great reviews.


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