Wednesday, 14 January 2009
In Morganville, Vampires and humans live side by side and have a love hate relationship. Then the Bishop arrives and all hell breaks loose. Morganville looks like a war zone and everyone, vampire and human, have to work together to try and stop the evil undead from taking over the town.

As a storm approaches Morganville, Claire Danvers and her friends continue to defend the town against anything that is thrown at them. Forced to team up with the vampires they try their best to keep the town as safe as possible. Then the unexpected happens and the rules of the game change. Claire and her friends are in the worst situation ever and unless they side with the Bishop they could all die.

The Lord of Misrule is book number five in the Morganville Vampire series and it is the most action packed yet. So much happened in this book that I feel the need to read it all again to make sure I didn't miss anything. The cliffhanger ending was the worse so far and I am glad to see that book six, Carpe Corpus, is due out in only a few months.

Rachel Caine has done it again and I can only sit and wait for the next installment of one of the best Young Adult series out there. I only wish they had books like this when I was younger! I would have definitely read more...

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posted by Unknown at Wednesday, January 14, 2009 |


At 14 January 2009 at 18:20, Blogger Vickie

Worse cliff-hanger as in I-can't-believe-I-have-to-wait-until-book-6-to-find-out-and-OMG-how-am-I-gonna-wait-that-long-bad? I know it can't be bad bad. Not Rachel Caine and not this series! I can't wait to read this one. Thanks for the review.


At 14 January 2009 at 20:22, Blogger Lori T

I am reading this right now and I love this series...I have to agree that it is really great! Rachel Caine does leave you with the most interesting ciff-hangers. I started this series late and was able to read the first three back to back and then I had to wait for book four..then five and now it sounds like I should prepare myself for a long wait with this one, too.


At 15 January 2009 at 00:54, Anonymous Anonymous

Hi Amber!
I have yet to get my hands on a copy of this, (I'm a bit broke since X-Mas), but I LOVE the series. I'm looking forward to reading it for sure!

I also nominated you for an award on my blog. :)


At 15 January 2009 at 11:58, Blogger Vivi Anna

I love this series too. Rachel Caine is by far my favorite authors. I loved everythign she's written and can't wait. This year she has like 4 books out I think. Two in her Morgainville Vamps, 1 in her Weather Warden series with Jo and the first book of her new series offshoot from the Weather Warden about a Djinn.


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