Saturday, 20 December 2008
Sure Christmas is coming but there are more important things going on! In just over a week ALOT of cool books are hitting the shelves and I can't wait!

At Grave's End by Jeaniene Frost
Evil Ways by Justin Gustainis
The Witch's Grave by Shirley Damsgaard
Night Huntress by Yasmine Galenorn
Stay the Night by Lynn Viehl
Veil of Midnight by Lara Adrian
Lord of Misrule by Rachel Caine
Night of the Loving Dead by Casey Daniels

I am sure I have missed some but who can keep track of all these great new releases???

Oh and I was contacted and asked if I wouldn't mind posting this link! Well no I don't mind ;) You have till tomorrow to read the interview with author Raven Hart and enter the contest to win a copy the Vampire's Seduction. Now I haven't read these books yet (I have the first 3!) but I have heard great things about them.


posted by Unknown at Saturday, December 20, 2008 |


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