Sunday, 19 October 2008

Also the end of October and beginning of November see alot of new books being released from some of my favourite authors. Lori Handeland has started a new series and the first book 'Any Given Doomsday
Of course Living with the Dead
What other new releases have I got pre-ordered for the next coming weeks?
Destiny Kills
by Keri Arthur
One Silent Night
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Shadow Kiss
by Richelle Mead

Another author who is showing off some new book covers this week is Dakota Cassidy! Not only is the cover for The Accidental Human
You can find out more about both books on her website or her blog.

If that wasn't enough covers to post then here is one more!Terri Garey also got her new cover to show off! You're the One that I Haunt
The style on this new cover is different to the previous books and Nicki looks a little bit more sexier and kick-ass than I expected. However it really fits the series so I like it.

This week Suburban Vampire has an interesting poll up. What's the best vampire author website? I know who I voted for but I can't wait to see who wins. Go over and have your say. There are some good options!
My friend Shaunie is having a giveaway on her blog that I think is great (so great that I have stolen the idea for this weeks prize which you will find out about later). Go over to her site to enter and support a great cause.
Yankee Romance Reviews seem to have a new contest and author visiting everyday! I can't keep up! So if you are looking for some new book ideas and love hearing what the writers have to say about themselves then you really need to keep checking out the site!
So that is enough from me! Now I am off to draw the winners of the Chris Howard contest and then post the new author interview with Jackie Kessler! Oh and a contest!
Labels: Contests, Sunday Round-up
Hi Amber
I was lucky enough to get an arc of Any Given Doomsday. Really enjoyed it!