Sunday, 26 October 2008

In another city, Libby is at home relaxing when some men manage to break her wards and try to kill her. She won't be the last white witch to be attacked but she maybe the only one who survives. Quincey and Libby attempt to watch each others backs while finding the answers to the many questions they are facing. Bad-ass Hannah follows them at a distance making sure they get where they are going but who is the mysterious woman? In a story that ranges from Baghdad to Los Angeles, Evil ways sees eccentric billionaire Walter Grobius attempt to unleash a devastating magical apocalypse. Which sees Libby and Qunicey drawn into their deadliest case yet.
Black Magic Woman
Libby has her name up in lights with Quincey in this sequel and is now part of the series title. Both characters did what they are good at in this second part and the reader has a chance to learn just a little bit more about the amazing duo. With a special cameo appearance, a pair of shocking FBI agents and the shoot and ask questions later Hannah tagging along there was no lack of excitement in Evil Ways
There are only a few books that have struck me so far this year and this is one of them. If you haven't already read Black Magic Woman
Click here to read an exclusive excerpt from Evil Ways!
Read my interview with Justin Gustainis!
Due out on December 30th - Evil Ways
Labels: ARC, Books Read, Justin Gustainis