Wednesday 27 August 2008
Big apologies to anyone who likes my Sunday (sometimes) Monday Round-up. I am moving next week and have a new boss in work so things are a little busy in real life. Also something is up with Blogger or with my internet connection and I have been having trouble logging in. So if things are quiet for a few days it is the move, Work or lack of internet ;) Please keep checking in or sign up for the newsletter if you don't want to miss anything!

Congratulations to Caitlin Kittredge for her release of Pure Blood this week. Also to Jeanne Stein for her new Anna Strong release Legacy. I am halfway through the book and I am loving it! Jeanne will be the guest here on Amberkatze's Book Blog next week so check in on Sunday to see her interview and enter the contest. Actually I may run two contests next week....will get back to you on that ;)

Meanwhile A huge thank you to everyone who has already entered the Caitlin Kitteredge Contest! There is still time to enter and if the number of entries hits 100 I will draw a second winner who will win their choice of Caitlin Kittredge book. So keep telling your friends because more entries mean more prizes....if the entries hit 150 I will also add a third prize.....

I love Darque Reviews, I really do!! However she gets all the great books first!! A review of Untamed by P.C & Kristen Cast is up on her site and I am green with envy. The book isn't due out for a month and I always have to wait longer for Europe to get this series.

I updated my pre-order list the other day so if you want to know what cool books I have coming to me then check out the list in the sidebar.

Vampire Wire is a cool blog run by the lovely author, Marta Acosta. Not only does she have all the latest news and reviews about everything paranormal but she also runs contests. So go over and see what she is giving away!!!

Oh and the League of Reluctant Adults also have contests....and they are always having a laugh. Some of my favourite authors are over there and I just wish I had more time to go visit them.

Not much else to report. I am sure there is more but I haven't the time *sigh* got to go and read Legacy by Jeanne Stein ;)

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posted by Unknown at Wednesday, August 27, 2008 |


At 27 August 2008 at 14:08, Blogger Kimberly Swan

You're just not picking the books that release in your neck of the woods first! *grin* I'm sure that Untamed shouldn't be released there too much later than here. (fingers croseed)


At 28 August 2008 at 12:28, Blogger Estella

Thanks for the links to the other review sites.


At 30 August 2008 at 23:44, Blogger Caffey

Thanks for more links! I love Vampire Wire! Gonna check out your book list!


At 30 August 2008 at 23:44, Blogger Caffey

Too wanted to say, the best to you with the new boss! Hang in there.


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