Sunday, 3 August 2008
Time for the Jenna Black contest winner!! However first I would like to once again thank Jenna for taking the time to be interviewed and to also wish her a happy release week because her newest book The Devil You Know came out a few days ago. I am waiting for my copy to arrive but hopefully it will be here soon!

So the winner is -


Please contact me via email as soon as possible. I will have to pick a new winner if I don't hear from you within a week on this address -Amberkatzes_book_blog(at)gmx(dot)eu. If you already know which Jenna Black book you want please tell me your choice and send me your home address so I can get your copy out to you asap!

A new contest and interview will be posted later on but first I have to go and draw the winners for the Monthly Giveaway! Oh and Sunday Round-Up as well!!! I am sure I missed alot while I was away...

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posted by Unknown at Sunday, August 03, 2008 |


At 3 August 2008 at 12:31, Blogger Estella

Congrats Inara!


At 3 August 2008 at 20:14, Blogger Lori T

Congrats Inara!


At 9 August 2008 at 10:13, Blogger Unknown

Thank you so much.. hangs head in shame.. I just noticed I won!


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