Sunday 24 August 2008
Gargoyles definitely don't get enough attention in the paranormal genre and I am happy to see that another writer has taken them under her wing. C.E. Murphy's Negotiator series introduced me to these magical creatures and I hope that she and this author will get more writers moving away from the everyday vamps, werewolves and fairies to the more exotic creatures like the hunky and sexy gargoyles in this book.

You can see my full review when it is posted on Paranormal Romance.

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posted by Unknown at Sunday, August 24, 2008 |


At 25 August 2008 at 19:26, Anonymous Anonymous

Hi Amber ~

Gargoyles ... oh, yay! I'd love to read a PNR with 'em. Searching amazon for the title or the author (Sally Painter) turned up nothing.

Any ideas? Did you maybe do the review so far in advance that the book isn't listed yet at amazon??




At 27 August 2008 at 06:34, Blogger Daelith

I love the cover of this book. The author posted it at another forum earlier this year. Like Ladiibbug, I had trouble finding it listed anywhere.


At 31 August 2008 at 02:10, Blogger Caffey

I love ALL I WANT and ALL I NEED of hers! She's a great author. I'm always watching for more! I haven't read the other book of hers on Gargoyles but now I'm writing a note to put it in my reader (I'm doing all this shuffling of my reads since visiting here, LOL).


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