Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin is finally taking a vacation but it is hard to keep her mind off the job when a reporter starts calling and an earthquake disrupts her shopping trip. Trying to relax and organise a wedding is an oxymoron of sorts but Jo is over the moon about marrying Djinn David and she wants a day to remember. It becomes clear though that not everyone is happy about her big news and there are some people out there who are serious about stopping the wedding from happening.

With the Weather Wardens and the Djinn still on shaky ground Jo was hoping that her upcoming marriage would help mend some scars. With old enemies coming out to play and friends turning sides Joanne is once again unsure who she can trust and what she should do. All she does know is that David is hers and she wants to be with him. He is the only one she can trust and he may also be the one she can't have.

Gale Force is the seventh Weather Warden book and yet again Rachel Caine has managed to make another great edition to the series. With all the characters from the previous books making an appearance this is like a family reunion filled with problems and power. The action never stops and like every other book in the series this is a roller coaster ride through all the elements Mother Nature can throw at the heroine Jo.

I hope one day that Jo will get a proper vacation although I also don't want the series to stop right now. I do prefer The Morganville Vampires series, also written by this author, but this series is just so unique that it always gets a big thumbs up. At the end of this book I was happy to see that the author will be spoiling us next year with a new series about the Djinn and Weather Wardens. Outcast Season : Undone is due out in May and I will be pre-ordering as soon as I can.

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posted by Unknown at Wednesday, August 06, 2008 |


At 7 August 2008 at 05:50, Blogger Estella

Sounds excellent. Am putting it on my ToBuy list.


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