Monday, 28 April 2008
Usually my blog is full of activity over the weekend but this week everything is a little slow. Why? Well mainly my weekend has been spent meeting people.

Firstly, I was lucky enough to meet my dear friend Kislany /Marika on Friday for the first time in person! She is in Vienna on holiday and we made it a mission to meet up! ;) I have a picture to post but haven't loaded up on the computer yet so I will post it later when I have more time.

Secondly I met another Boockrosser from Seattle on Saturday! Thegoaliegirl which was great! I can't believe how many people are in Vienna this weekend!

Cause thirdly my dad is here too! (see picture). He is in Bratislava for a long weekend so I went there yesterday and spent the day with him and he will be coming here today. Hence the lack of time for reading and posting!

So the Rachel Vincent contest is open until later today. I will get Raffle King to draw a winner this evening. The Sunday Round-up will either become a Monday or Tuesday Round-up this week so check back then ;)

Edit -

Here is the photo of Kislany/Marika and me in my Bookcrossing OBCZ. Not the best photo I have seen of myself but you don't have to look at me...take a good look because it maybe the only photo I ever post of myself!

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posted by Unknown at Monday, April 28, 2008 |


At 28 April 2008 at 11:53, Blogger Alex

Ah, you met Marika! That must have been fun.;-)


At 28 April 2008 at 13:19, Blogger Unknown

It was great to meet Marika! We have known each other online for so many years! It was amazing to finally meet her in real life.


At 29 April 2008 at 05:22, Blogger Raka

Just came back this morning (5 am) from Vienna and I'm beat!
It was great meeting you there, I was totally excited about it! And I went to my first OBCZ in life as well, which is great!
Btw, did I tell you I passed by that pub with hubby on our walk downtown almost every day afterwards? lol


At 29 April 2008 at 07:05, Blogger Alex

You both look great! It's funny to see you both together in the same photo.;-) Oooohhh, so many books in those shelves...
Hope you had fun in Vienna, Marika!


At 30 April 2008 at 01:47, Blogger Unknown

If anyone else is ever in Vienna then let me know!

It was amazing to finally meet Marika in real life after knowing each other for so many years online!


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