Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Things are getting hot in here! There are a few things coming up that I want to post about now but I am going to wait and keep you all wondering! Muhaahahaha! I am evil like that ;)

However I can show you this message I got from author Nancy Haddock -

I got to your site -- which is gorgeous, BTW! Thank you so much for the lovely review of La Vida Vampire! I'm honored to have been the 100th book you read this year, and what a treat that you're having a contest to give it away. That is too cool!

May I sweeten the pot for your winner? Send a mini bookmark and a surfboard key chain to the winner and to you also?

So people! Not only are you winning the book from me you will be winning a bookmark and keychain from the author herself!!!

So keep entering by making a comment to this post or the previous post telling me how many books you have read so far this year.

When I have read my 110th book I will put all the names in a pot (literally a pot) and pick a winner!

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posted by Unknown at Wednesday, April 02, 2008 |


At 2 April 2008 at 10:58, Blogger petite

I read a great deal since I rarely watch television. Normally at least 3-5 books per week is an average for me so that means this year I have read about 70 books. This is a great site and love your unique contest.


At 2 April 2008 at 13:43, Anonymous Anonymous

I posted on the previous post too, lol. I haven't read enough books this year, but I'm always at it and adding to the TBR piles. ;)

Way to sweeten the "pot"


At 2 April 2008 at 16:26, Blogger Enchanted by Books

I read a book a week. So I am guessing I probably read 16 books so far this year.


At 2 April 2008 at 17:43, Anonymous Anonymous

Love your site I have to take more time to look around and see what's new. Please enter me for the book.


At 2 April 2008 at 17:45, Anonymous Anonymous

Oh sorry forgot to add I have read over a 100 since I have joined bookcrossing but some of those where other ppls that I had to return and couldn't count for BCing.


At 2 April 2008 at 19:03, Anonymous Anonymous

I love your site!

I have read over 25 books so far and still counting! LOL!

Terri W.


At 3 April 2008 at 09:47, Blogger Unknown

Keep the entries coming!! It has been a hard work at work so I haven't had any time to read this week!

So my 110th read will be a while...


At 3 April 2008 at 10:30, Blogger Unknown

I watch a lot of TV and I'm on the internet way too much, so I don't get a lot of reading done, but I do my share. I've read 11 books so far. I don't think I'll make it to 100 books read this year.


At 4 April 2008 at 13:23, Blogger Lynda Hilburn

Hi, Amber. I read when I'm supposed to be writing!! I'd say I probably finish 12 books a month -- some I buy and others I get from the library. I can't help myself. So many books, so few hours in the day!! Love your blog.
Lynda Hilburn


At 5 April 2008 at 14:16, Blogger Lemonitsa

Hey Amber,

I come here to check out what new books I need to get. You always have the best selection, and I count on your reviews 'cause mch of what you say I end up agreeing with.

Have a super day,


At 5 April 2008 at 14:18, Blogger Lemonitsa

oh, I forgot to say that this year has been on the same track as last year. I've read 33 books so far. I'm *hoping* to make 100 by the end, and if I keep this up, I'll have 120!



At 8 April 2008 at 00:21, Blogger danetteb

Wow,100 books in only a few months, I think I'm at around 8. I've been falling asleep reading my homework(its kinda sad knowing that I used to fall asleep in class during high school and I'm still falling asleep doing homework in college)My leisure reading usually falls on the weekends.

Hugs, Danette


At 8 April 2008 at 09:54, Anonymous Anonymous

Compared to you I'm a snail reader, I've only read 22 books this year. Thanks for hosting this contest! :-)


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