Sunday, 9 December 2007

I noticed this competition and thought it would be fun to enter as well. Also with a few regulars checking out my blog maybe it will interest others as well?
Book Binge Christmas Contest
The Christmas Season is upon us and we have one burning question: Have you been naughty or nice this year?
Regardless of your answer, we are inviting our lovely readers a chance to win an eBookwise eReader!
All you have to do is answer a few simple (okay, 10) questions on your blog/journal and leave the link to your Meme in this post. If you don't have a blog or journal, you can email us your answers. The winner will be chosen on January 5th, so you can enter up until 11:59pm on January 4th.
Christmas Meme:
1. What is your favorite Christmas romance to re-read each year?
The only Christmas 'romance' I enjoy reading is 'Visions of Sugar Plums' by Janet Evanovich. One of the best authors around and I love the humour!
2. What is your favorite Christmas movie/show?
Love Actually!
I know it is a newer film but I just love it! I am not a big romance person but this film is funny and 'real to life.
3. What is your favorite Christmas cookie?
Living in Austria the 'Christmas Cookie' thing is pretty big here. Although I have to say I don't like any of them :( Give me a good old Christmas Pudding anyday hehe
4. When do you start Christmas shopping?
As soon as possible. Which means as soon as I get paid at the end of November! I try and buy somethings before hand if I have some extra money but usually my book addiction sees to that ;) I have already got everything done this year and I am really proud of myself.
5. Do you re-gift?
I have done it. I wasn't proud of it either but sometimes I would prefer to give something to someone else who would enjoy/like it than to have it sit around gathering dust in some cupboard somewhere.
6. What is your favorite Christmas song?
I enjoy all of them except 'Silent Night'. That one gets a little old and boring after a while.
My all time favourite it 'I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday' by Wizzard. It always gets me in the mood for a nice holiday sing-a-long hehe
7. When do you get your Christmas tree?
I would have it up now if my apartment had any room for one. I have tried and failed each year to get a small one to fit somewhere. Maybe I will find one this year.
Otherwise in Austria the tree traditionally goes up on th 24th Dec. A little late imho but that is the way they do it!
8. Wrapping presents: Love it or hate it?
Love it! I like making sure it won't be easy for anyone to get in ;)
9. Who is the hardest person to buy for?
Everyone back home in the UK. I never know what they have already, what they want or what they are in to at the moment. I don't like to ask as it spoils things but I have managed to get alot of them to start Amazon wishlists so I have something to use for ideas.
10. Christmas tree: Real or artificial?
If I find one small enough for the apartment it is most likely going to be artifical. The tree I will be putting up on the 24th at my boyfriend's parents house will be real!
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