Tuesday, 11 September 2007
I just wanted to update my previous post about this book and mention that my review can now be seen over on the 'Front Street Review' website.

While I was there though I noticed a link to the the authors website and decided to take a peak. Well I am surprised to see that my review has also been posted there by the author!!

So feel free to go and visit Spencer Dane's website and have a look!


posted by Unknown at Tuesday, September 11, 2007 |


At 12 September 2007 at 03:01, Blogger Kathy

Congrats!! That is quite an honor to have the author pick up your review and post it.


At 13 September 2007 at 09:44, Blogger Unknown

Thank you Kathy! I do feel great about this! Even better is that the author has even quoted me on his Myspace Blog too!


He has also been in contact with me and would have liked to use a quote from my review in the book when it is published. Unfortunately I think my review arrived to late for that :(


At 13 September 2007 at 13:36, Blogger Lemonitsa

That is awesome, Amber! I enjoyed reading your review, and send you CONGRATS on the author's choice :)



At 15 September 2007 at 09:30, Blogger Raka

Congrats Amber, that is wonderful!


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