Monday 28 July 2008
It is time to plan the wedding and Milagro De Los Santos is having some problems. You see her husband to be, Oswald Grant M.D. is gorgeous and loves her but his parents hate her. Milagaro is already an unofficial part of the family due to the genetic anomaly that she shares with them which causes them crave Blood. So not only does Milagro have a normal wedding to organise but also one for the Vampire Council who want her to make things more official when she marries Oswald.

Luckily or unluckily (she isn't sure yet), Milagro's best friend hijacks the role of wedding coordinator and takes over. Milagro also has no choice about the Vampire Council's aide to guide her and Oswald through the ancient vampire marriage rituals. She therefore finds herself face to face with Oswald's ex Cornelia who is also sister to the attractive Ian who keeps showing up whenever Oswald isn't around.

Things start going wrong and everything is getting in the way of the wedding plans and people start to think that Milagro is cracking up under the pressure. Is she just paranoid after her recent experiences or is there really some hidden enemy trying to make sure Milagro doesn't marry Oswald? Maybe it could just be a case of pre-wedding jitters?

The Bride of Casa Dracula was an absolutely wonderful read and I hope there is more to come. I enjoyed the first two books in the series (Happy Hour at Casa Dracula and Midnight Brunch at Casa Dracula) but this third book was the best by far. I have finally grown close enough to Milagro and enjoyed this adventure more than her previous ones. This time around I understood her, I laughed with her and I cried with her.

The plot in this book was at times complex but it was simple to follow thanks to the authors marvellous writing style. The mystery in the story and new characters in this newest release will have readers on the edge of their seats with anticipation right till the end. Meanwhile the sexy, romantic and hilarious aspects all fans have come to enjoy and love are just as prominent as before. However be careful for the ending which is very unexpected and could cause a few tears.

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posted by Unknown at Monday, July 28, 2008 |


At 28 July 2008 at 11:28, Anonymous Anonymous

I'm looking forward to this novel. It's going to be interesting to see what kind of trouble Milagro gets into this time around.


At 28 July 2008 at 16:03, Blogger Estella

This sounds very interesting.


At 3 August 2008 at 09:22, Blogger Unknown

I really loved this one. I liked the first two books in the series alot but this one really was the best yet!


At 2 November 2009 at 06:40, Blogger Dot S.(

I have read Marta's first two Casa Dracula books and enjoyed them. I look forward to reading "Bride" since you, Amber, say it is the best yet.


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