Friday 11 April 2008
Welcome to the Void!

Vlad Vampire Eric has got short-term and long-term memory problems. He can't remember who he ate yesterday let alone how he got changed into a vampire in the first place. With his best friend Roger acting strangely and his girlfriend Tabitha begging to be turned he is getting a bit fed up.

So he solves one of his problems and only makes more. With a werewolf pack after him and Tabitha's sister turning up things are really getting out of hand. All Eric would like to do is just run his strip club, drink some blood and be left alone but things never work out like you want and instead he finds himself trying to survive all kinds of attacks.

This was a fast paced rollercoaster ride of fun. Eric is not like any vampire I have ever met before and it was a joy to read about him. The story unfolds with twists and turns that kept me hooked till the end and I loved the way the story was told by both Eric and Tabitha.

Great characters, interesting new takes on vamp life and a great story made this a book that makes me beg for more!! It is refreshing to see another guy on the block writing Paranormal Urban Fantasy and not messing it up. I will be on the look out for more from this author because he has a great style that needs to be seen in more books.

Dark, fun and totally undead this mix of Vamp and Were will please alot of Parnormal Urban Fantasy readers out there. So all I can say is 'GIVE ME MORE'!!!!

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posted by Unknown at Friday, April 11, 2008 |


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