Friday 6 February 2009
So yesterday was the end of the C. A. Milson contest! Did you win a copy of his debut book The Chosen?

Well Chris sent me an email earlier and said he has picked not one but THREE winners! So who are the three lucky people?

Valorie &
Caitlin Hoy

Congratulations to you all! I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!

Send me an email at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot eu within the next 7 days so I can send your details on to Chris. Make sure you send me a valid email address so you can recieve your e-book prize with no problems! If the prizes aren't claimed within 7 days I will pick new winners.

Reminder -

You can still enter the Sharon Ashwood contest and win a copy of Ravenous! The contest is open until Sunday so there are a couple of more days left to enter.

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posted by Unknown at Friday, February 06, 2009 |


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