Sunday, 7 December 2008
It is time to announce the winners of the Kelley Armstrong contest!

There were a huge amount of entries and to only get to pick 2 winners makes me glad that I use a randomizer!

So the winner of a Kelley Armstrong book of their choice (including pre-order) from myself is -


and the winner of a signed copy of a Kelley Armstrong book of their choice direct from the author is -


Congratulations to you both! The winners should contact me via email (Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot eu) with their mailing addresses and choice of book. If the winners don't get in contact with me within 7 days I will pick new winners!

Thank you to everyone who entered the contest and a huge thank you to Kelley for letting me interview her and for the prize donation! I hope she will come back and visit us again!

Coming up next is an interview and contest with author Shirley Damsgaard!

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posted by Unknown at Sunday, December 07, 2008 |


At 7 December 2008 at 11:08, Blogger Lori T

Congrats Tanya and Kathy


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