Sunday, 28 December 2008
I hope you all had a great Christmas and got what you wanted! It has been busy here in Vienna...I have family staying and although I am managing to read it is hard to get online and do anything else! So I am glad I have time this evening to announce the winner of the Jeaniene Frost contest!

Before I announce the winner I want to thank everyone who entered and/or told their friends about the contest! It is always great to see new names on the entries as well as the regulars!

Also a huge thank you to Jeaniene! It was great to finally be able to interview Jeaniene and for her to offer up a great prize! Now I just have to wait till there is a copy of the newest book here in Europe!

So I won't make you wait any longer! The randomizer has spoken and the entry that won is from -

Cari Quinn

Congratulations to the winner! I envy you! :)

Please email me - Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot eu within the next 7 days to claim your prize. If I don't hear from the winner I will pick a new one!

Coming soon...interview and contest with Casey Daniels!!!

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posted by Unknown at Sunday, December 28, 2008 |


At 28 December 2008 at 11:30, Blogger StyleVamp

congrats to the winner, I'm green with envy lol Amber Thank u so much recieved the book and I'm currently it!!


At 28 December 2008 at 12:22, Blogger Cari Quinn

Thanks so much, Amber and Jeaniene! I'm so excited to read At Grave's End! :)


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