Sunday 21 December 2008
It is Sunday again so that means it is time to announce last weeks contest winners and get ready to start a new contest!

A huge thank you to Amber Dawn Bell who was my guest last week! It was great to have a Young Adult author on Amberkatze's Book Blog and I hope I will have some more in the future!

So it is time for the randomizer to pick us some winners!

The first two winners will both get an e-book format of Amber's book 'The Cave of Terror' and a bookmark!

So congrats to -

Aramena & Caitlin Hoy

And the winner of the lovely gift package (see photo) is -


Congrats to all the winners and thank you to Amber for donating such great prizes!

All winners should contact me on Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx eu net within the next 7 days to claim their prize. I will draw new winners if any of the prizes haven't been claimed within that time.

If you didn't win this time then stay tuned because my next guest is Jeaniene Frost! And she has a nice Christmas Present for a lucky winner!

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posted by Unknown at Sunday, December 21, 2008 |


At 21 December 2008 at 14:08, Blogger Angela @ Reading Angels

I won!!! Merry Christmas to me!!! Thanks sooo much Amber and Amber!! I can't wait to dig into the book!!!


At 21 December 2008 at 21:59, Blogger Wrighty

Congratulations and happy holidays!


At 22 December 2008 at 08:06, Blogger October Woman

Yay, how exciting to see my name listed as a winner! However, Amber, I've emailed you twice at the address in your post, and it bounced back both times with a message that "user is unknown"! So I'm not sure what to do now. My email is rmayerhoefer at cox dot net.


At 22 December 2008 at 08:14, Blogger Unknown

Aramena! Try again! I don't understand why your emails are bouncing back...


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