Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Based on the popular Tv series this collection of graphic novels about the Doctor. They all share adventures through time and space with the Doctor and his assistant Martha.

An attempt to save the doomed planet of Loam, a crazy trip to Mars via a London bus, a stop off in the Antartic to help explorer Ernest Shackleton and then a visit to an abandonded space center are the locations the four stories in this book take the reader.

I really enjoyed this selection of stories and wish I had more. The stories are exciting and the artwork is amazing. Reading this made me realise that this Doctor (David Tennant) and his assistant Martha are, for me, the best team there was so far on the series. It is a shame the doctor will be changing soon but hopefully Martha will be seen again in Torchwood.

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posted by Unknown at Wednesday, December 31, 2008 |


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