Saturday, 27 December 2008
Single mum Patsy is not getting any older. After being turned into a vampire she will look wonderful forever and that means she will look great in her hair salon. So most of her customers have left Broken Heart now the town is more supernatural. However she still has enough work giving the werewolves a cut and blow dry.

Then a rogue sexy shape-shifter comes into her life and the salon is forgotten as she gets to know him better. Although being a mother comes first and when Patsy realises how much trouble her son is really in she has to do everything possible to help him. Any other mother would die from the stress but Patsy is already dead so nobody should mess with her flesh and blood.

This is the third book in the Broken Heart Vampire series and I fear I have waited too long to catch up with this series. I quite enjoyed the first two books but this one didn't really live up to my expectations. On saying that though I think that this chick-lit style romance is just not my thing.

A fun read but not my cup of tea. I may visit this series again but it isn't high up on my to be read list.


posted by Unknown at Saturday, December 27, 2008 |


At 27 December 2008 at 16:40, Blogger Vickie

I felt the same with this one. I loved the first one in the series and liked the next one I read. This one took me a bit to get into, but I ended up liking it. I love the titles more than anything. I will read more in the series as she releases them, but I won't like make it a priority to get them.


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