Monday 8 December 2008
Amanda Feral is a zombie and proud of it! Together with her friend and fellow zombie Wendy and the best fashion accessory anyone could have, gay vamp Gil, she is ready to party with the best of them in Seattle's supernatural nightlife. But what is a zombie to do when her mother gets sick? Well if your name is Amanda Feral you can try and ignore it. However fate (well a resurrection gone bad) and a "moderately accurate" psychic have other plans and before you can say 'Happy Hour' she finds herself on a road trip that nobody will ever forget.

Crossing three states to see a criticizing mother is not something Amanda wanted to do in the first place. Crossing three states to see a criticizing mother in something that used to be a Winnebago is definitely not something Amanda saw herself ever doing. With some help from a Korean ghost and strange guy called Fishhook (I am not going to tell you how he gets that have to read this for yourself to find out) they manage to get themselves in to all manner of strange situations that involve, to name just a few, blowing neo-nazis, a werewolf cop stalker and a horny dust devil.

This is one hell of a ride for the glamorous trio of ghouls and they are going to be glad they are already dead. If they were alive they would have met their demise before even setting off from home. Being dead is only just giving them a slim chance of surviving the Road Trip of the Living Dead but at least they will go out looking good.

Amanda Feral proves that being a zombie can be cool. She is the Paris Hilton of zombies and you will love her for more than just her brains. Mark Henry is the Jasper Fford of the paranormal genre and is somehow channeling Christopher Moore on a good day. This combination of disgusting humor wrapped up in fashionable fun is just good enough to eat and I certainly loved every moment of the experience.

Mark Henry has not only written something that is extremely sexy, scary and spooky but he manages to write it all as a woman! And do it so well! Where he got his knowledge of the female sex, the products we need and use and all the other little extras is beyond me and I don't think I really want to know. His zombie minions can come take a bite out of me any day and I can't wait to meet up with Amanda and the gang again in book three 'Battle of the Network Zombies'.

Enough said! I don't want to spoil it for anyone by saying anything else other than - I haven't laughed this much since Happy Hour of the Damned! and BUY IT!! (when it is out at the end of February....sorry!)

You have till the 14th to try and win your own copy here!!

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posted by Unknown at Monday, December 08, 2008 |


At 8 December 2008 at 20:42, Blogger Caffey

I do have this first book to get on my wishlist. I heard so many great things about it!


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