Thursday, 25 September 2008
I feel absent this week. I have been reading but I just haven't had the time to make any real progress on any particular book. Work is busy and has been taking up more time than usual. So apologies for not posting as much. The weekend is nearly here and I hope to snuggle up in bed with some good reads.

In the meantime don't forget to enter this weeks contest to win a book signed by Cathy Clamp. Details, as always, can be found via the contest links on the sidebar.

Also I totally forgot to tell you all what this months monthly giveaway prize is. Well after long consideration I have decided to giveaway 2 books this month.

The Devil you Know by Jenna Black will go to one winner and Playing with Fire by Katie MacAlister will go to another winner. So sign up for the newsletter (link in the sidebar) to be entered into the draw.

Hope you are all having a nice reading week!

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posted by Unknown at Thursday, September 25, 2008 |


At 25 September 2008 at 20:01, Blogger Ladytink_534

I'm feeling the same way. I've read a little of my book but it doesn't seem like I'm making any progress. I'm just not in the mood to read really :(

Oh I've been signed up for the newletter (Google Reader too). I've never read anything by Jenna Black before but I have read a few Katie MacAlister's that I loved (and one that I didn't) but I haven't read that particular book yet. I think it's the first in her dragon series? I could be mistaken.


At 26 September 2008 at 12:45, Blogger Unknown

im a memeber!!!!!!!! and i would love jenna blacks book. you know


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