Sunday, 3 August 2008
A teenage boy is found dead in the canal just hours afte her told his mother that he killed a man. Rob was an intelligent boy and there seems to be no connection between him and the man who was found stabbed to death. His friends want to know exactly went on and with the help of Naomi Blake they look at all the possible reasons Rob did what he did.

Rob's mother Clara and the Ernst Hensel, father of the dead man also want answers. With the help of each other and the rest of the people involved things slowly start to make sense. Some of the secrets and reasons will be hard on alot of the people involved but two deaths are unsolved and nobody wants to let things lie.

I love this mystery author and I find her books extemely hard or expensive to get hold of. So when I opened a Birthday present and found this inside I knew what I would be reading on the train home from Prague. Although these stories are never the kind to have you on the edge of your seat they are realistic stories with depth and reason. I hope I will be reading more by this author soon.

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posted by Unknown at Sunday, August 03, 2008 |


At 3 August 2008 at 12:32, Blogger Estella

Sounds like an excellent mystery story.


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