Monday, 12 May 2008
Adela MacAye foreaw her mothers death and she has also seen her own. She has to find a man to produce an heir with and pass on her Celtic powers. To fail would be the end of good magick.

Laird Phillip Roberts must save his clan from a feud that is killing all his family. The easiest way to stop the fighting is a marriage he does not want.

This was an interesting debut. I don't usually like historical stories but this was nice and witchy so it appealed to me. Although I have to admit I wasn't expecting this novella to be so erotic. It was extremely hot and there was me thinking this was a young adult book!

If you like your paranormal with some romance and steamy scenes then this is for you. I think I would even read more by this author if she has anything else published.


posted by Unknown at Monday, May 12, 2008 |


At 12 May 2008 at 15:45, Anonymous Anonymous

Oh I like historical paranormals! Amy Fetzer has a good trilogy that is witchy and historical at the same time. The Irish Princess is the first one followed by The Irish Enchantress, and ends with The Irish Knight. This is a good series that I've kept over the years.


At 13 May 2008 at 07:02, Anonymous Anonymous

Thanks Amberkatze for the review on my book. I found your website on yahoo search under my book title. Sorry if you thought The Last Celtic Witch was going to be a young adult novel. LOL. Nothing is futher from the truth. My Celtic series is a historical erotic romance.
The second book in the series, THE CELTIC WITCH & THE SORCERER is out now on or in ebook format at
If you like you the first book, you'll absolutely LOVE the second.
The third book, HEART OF A WARLOCK will be out in print in October 2008.
Blessed Be


At 14 May 2008 at 13:11, Blogger Unknown

Thanks for coming by Lyn!!

No need to apologise! I have no idea why I thought the book was a young adult novel. Maybe I got it mixed up with something else.

Main thing - I liked it. I would love to read the rest of the series but I don't think it will be easy. I got this copy from a friend in the States and can't get it here in Europe...

I will keep a look out though!


At 15 May 2008 at 07:15, Anonymous Anonymous

Hi Amberkatze,

If you don't mind paying for the postage, I'll send you an autographed copy of the second book in the series.
Send me an email with your address to

All the best


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