Friday, 9 May 2008
Stephanie always attracts danger, lunatics, oddballs and mysterious men. Talking of mysterious men, Diesel is back in town, looking as hot as ever. This time he is looking for a little man and a bag of money that has gone missing. Although the money isn't really missing because Grandma Mazur found it and she is doing a good job of wasting it al on slot machines.

So off the gang go to bring Grandma home. It's St Patrick's Day and they should have the luck of the Irish on their side. Things never work out like Stephanie want them too and before you know it cars are blown up, people are kidnapped and her bra is being removed without her noticing.

I love the Stephanie Plum series and have all the books. However I had to say that these 'between the numbers novels' are really no where near as good as the full length novels.

I quite enjoyed the first half of this story and all the gang were there making the read fun and exciting. However somewhere along the way things got a little drab and drawn out. The plot went from ok to just boring and I found myself not liking Diesel or the way Stephanie is when he is around.

Seeing as these novellas are just as expensive as the full length books I was hoping, again, for more. If you are a Plum fan you have to read this but only because you are hooked on the series. Bring on 'Fearless Fourteen' and more normal length Stephanie adventures and stop milking things and let the novellas rest in peace.


posted by Unknown at Friday, May 09, 2008 |


At 10 May 2008 at 12:05, Blogger Liviania

I'm not that fond of the novellas either. They're amusing, but nowhere near the quality of the full-lenths.


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