Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Easter Hutton's dad is long gone and her mom keeps getting new guys who will keep them in cash until she finds another one. All of that is nothing because Easter has started astral projecting herself back to the places she liked living.

She never knows where she is going to end up next and she keeps visiting old classmates as well as a blind man. As she struggles to understand why this is happening to her she starts to find other outcasts with special abilities. All of it is connected to a organisation called 'Homefree'.

This was an quick read and it has left me with alot to think about. Not very paranormal this was more like the X-Men but for very troubled kids. Worth reading if you get the is an interesting story.


posted by Unknown at Wednesday, April 30, 2008 |


At 1 May 2008 at 00:17, Blogger Harry Markov

Oh, this is so good. I would like to read that one. So your blog is a review blog as well! Nice, although you post to paranormal romance. That's cool.


At 2 May 2008 at 13:34, Blogger Unknown

I started the blog for myself and my friends. Now it has got a little bigger and better ;)


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