Tuesday, 29 April 2008
They may be dead but they are certainly not gone. They dance with the living and sleep under your bed. They follow you home from school and talk to you. This creepy collection of seven short stories follows some hauntings that may keep you awake at night.

Not a bad mix of stories in this one. Some were shorter than others and some were better than others. Wonderfully written to spook any reader this book has only fueled my need to seek out more books by this writer.


posted by Unknown at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 |


At 30 April 2008 at 00:27, Blogger Bunny B

Oooo! Sounds like a good book. I ove scary stories. I've only read one book from Vivian Vande Velde and I like her.


At 30 April 2008 at 01:43, Blogger Unknown

Which other book did you read? I read Companions of the Night.


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