Monday, 24 March 2008
This was a nice quick easy read aimed at teenagers. I quite enjoyed this story because of the depth it had. Using history and present day to build up a nice convincing line of events which was quite gripping.

Ellen has an illness that no doctor has seen before. She is moved to her grandmothers home in London so she will be nearer to the hospital and the care she needs. Bored and not able to do much Ellen comes across some journals in the attic. Journals from her great great grandmother a famous doctor.

While reading the journals she realises her great great grandmother had been unwillingly helping a vampire. When she starts to dream about events from 1878 that she hasn't even read about things start getting tricky. Then she meets Dr Stacey and things start to make more sense and she realises that the illness isn't the only thing that could kill her.

Worth reading! I am going to check out more books by this author. The vampire twist caught my eye this time but the author does manage to weave a nice web of suspense that I enjoy.


posted by Unknown at Monday, March 24, 2008 |


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