Sunday, 9 March 2008
This is the 2nd book from author Mark Del Franco featureing Connor Grey. I found the first book 'Unshapely Things' interesting and was looking forward to seeing what happened next.

Connor Grey reminds me of Harry Dresden in alot of ways but Connor doesn't have any real magical abilities. Seeing as I read the first book a long time ago I couldn't remember all the details I needed to know but things started to make more sense as things progressed.

This was basically a drug/politic/mystery book with a twist of fey. I am still not sure if I really liked it and know I like the first book more. I will definitely be on the lookout for more books by this author but I won't be rushing to have them in hands straight away.

All in all a good read and an interesting world.

Oh and I have to say my heart jumped when I read the name of my city of birth in this one! And it was even written in Welsh!


posted by Unknown at Sunday, March 09, 2008 |


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