Sunday, 2 March 2008
I read the first part in this series 'Tithe' quite a long time ago so I couldn't remember anything of that story when I started this one. Which turned out ok because this story didn't seem to have any connections with the other (maybe it does...) except that it is a 'A modern Tale of Faerie'. So this is a book that can definitely be read without reading the first part.

The story starts with Val, a seventeen year old girl, running away to New York because she has been betrayed by people she thought were her life. She ends up getting together with some homeless teenagers and suddenly has more troubles than just living on the streets.

This was a nice enough story and I enjoyed the first half alot. The second half however got slightly complicated and too fast paced for me to wrap my head around. This book is aimed at teenagers and I have to admit that I found myself flicking back and reading things twice or even three times before I could understand what had happened.

I am interested in reading the next book 'Ironside' but I won't be rushing out to buy it. I don't think 'Faeries' are really my thing and never have been but I do like the occasional change of creatures ;)


posted by Unknown at Sunday, March 02, 2008 |


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