Sunday, 17 February 2008
This book was like a breathe of fresh air. Finally something 'new' that hasn't been done by every author author in this genre. I have to admit that I didn't really like the other series, 'The Walker Papers', also written by this author but after seeing the blurb for this new series I was eager to try it.

Margit is a legal aid lawyer and loves to run. A choice meeting in Central Park leaves her sure she has met a murderer. Suddenly she is pulled into the world of the old races and the depths of New York to save herself as well as others.

I love Vampires, werewolves, ghosts etc but it is nice to have something new. So this new trilolgy filled with gargoyles, selkies, Djinn and Dragons is nice and new. Interesting and exciting this book had me hooked from page one.

I liked the characters and the story was maybe slow at first but suspense filled. You just have to keep reading to find out what happens next. I can't wait to get my hands on the second book called 'House of Cards'. There are a few little things that are left open in this book that will obviously come up in the rest of the trilogy.


posted by Unknown at Sunday, February 17, 2008 |


At 23 February 2008 at 01:32, Anonymous Anonymous

Hi there - I've just found your book blog via a comment you left on My Visual Bookshelf regarding Rachel Caine's Thin Air, which I've just finished and reviewed.

It looks like we share a fair number of reading tastes, so I hope you don't mind if I set up a feed to your reviews to watch what you're reading and what you think of it in the future.



PS - I totally loved Heart of Stone as well!


At 23 February 2008 at 04:41, Blogger Unknown

I am glad you found me! I hope you will come back and make lots of comments ;)

Oh and find lots of interesting books to read that you will enjoy!


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