Sunday, 27 January 2008
I find alot of the books I buy on my Amazon recommendations and sometimes you have to be careful about what they say you may like. This book isn't one of those bad recommendations but it wasn't as good as the reviewer said it was...she even gave it 5 stars. I would give it 3 maybe 3.5 stars.

'Matters of the Blood' was interesting and kept me reading till the end but I felt there was alot missing. I really hoped that the book would explain more about the main character and her family somwhere along the way but I felt like I was only being thrown crumbs.

The catchphrase on the book and the first sentence of the story is 'I know the dead and the dead know me...' however this 'necromancer' didn't really have any abilities and didn't even know vampires really exsisted until they were on her doorstep.

If this is going to turn into a series I would welcome a second book and read it asap. I think the general storyline was good and the characters strong...just some general background info was missing.


posted by Unknown at Sunday, January 27, 2008 |


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