Sunday, 20 January 2008

This book captured Sam & Dean perfectly. The investigations they were on were interesting and well thought out. The author obviously did alot of research to get this story right and I have to give him big points for that. I enjoyed the book and I am looking forward to reading more...maybe even seeing more of the series on TV sometime soon!
Lovely quote in the book -
Sam - "And Hey, if it wasn't for that story, we probably wouldn't have CSI today."
Dean - " No loss" he says "There's better things on Thursday night anyhow."
Of the course the better thing being 'Supernatural' ;)
I was really pleased to see that this author is writing the next CSI New York book. So I am looking forward to a good read from this author again soon!
Labels: Books Read
I have never read a book that was based on a television series, but I love Supernatural and after reading your review may have to try one. My dd loves CSI as well and I bet she would devour the books. Thanks for the heads up on those Amber.