Tuesday 20 November 2007
This was one of those books where as you are reading along you think to yourself 'why the hell did I wait so long to read this!?'. I can't think of any words right now to describe how good I thought this book was. I enjoyed it the whole way through and wanted to read it all in one go. Damn shame I have to work!

Not really my typical 'paranormal' reading this is more fantasy and the setting reminded me slighty of the 'Dhampir' series. Poison Study starts off simple enough and then the story unravels itself and grows into something addictive. The main characters are easy to understand and likable making this story even better.

I can't wait to read the next part 'Magic Study' and I am sure I will be buying 'Fire Study' when that comes out next year.


posted by Unknown at Tuesday, November 20, 2007 |


At 21 November 2007 at 10:07, Blogger Kathy

I've got to quit reading your reviews, lol. I just added 3 new books to my wishlist. My wishlist, plus my TBRs is way out of hand without adding anything new ;)


At 21 November 2007 at 10:16, Blogger Unknown

Muhahahah!!! My evil plan is working ;)

You are always free to check my avls and tbrs for books you would like. Most of them are looking for homes ;)


At 22 November 2007 at 10:28, Anonymous Anonymous

I finished reading this book only last week and thought it was awesome, the story grows in interest as we turn each page. My favourite character was Valek, we can tell Yelena is a good person from the start, but Valek keeps you guessing till the end and I so want to read the next book to find out what happens in the south. :-)


At 23 November 2007 at 04:18, Blogger Unknown

Valek was a very interesting character. I really liked how the author kept us guessing about him. Although it looks like we won't see him at all in the next book...or will we?


At 23 November 2007 at 04:23, Anonymous Anonymous

I hope we do!
In the meantime, have you seen the short stories the author has in her website? Here.


At 23 November 2007 at 04:45, Blogger Unknown

Wow! Thanks for the link! When I have some time I will be sitting down in front of the computer to have a read of those!


At 1 December 2007 at 06:40, Blogger Unknown

Thanks again for the link! I printed out the short stories and haven't got around to reading them yet but I am really happy to have something to tide me over until I get my hands on the next book!


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