Sunday 4 November 2007
I haven't visited the 'Weather Warden's' for a while and was worried that I wouldn't remember what happened in the previous books. However I didn't need to be worried because Rachel Caine makes things easy by having a 'Previously' re-cap before the book gets going.

I felt sorry for Jo in this book. She never gets a break and things are never easy in this book she takes on her hardest role a mother!. I think anyone who went through half the problems Jo has had to face would have just broke down and given up by now. Jo keeps going though and I admire her kick-butt style and her independence.

This series is great and unique! Weather wardens who have Djinn's to help them or in this book Djinn's who aren't really helpful. Fighting against Mother Nature herself with an amazing amount of natural disasters and loads of action. This is a series worth reading if you haven't already tried it!


posted by Unknown at Sunday, November 04, 2007 |


At 7 November 2007 at 15:13, Blogger Lemonitsa

Hi Sweetie!

I was at a new bookstore (new for me, it's a little far from home) and they have this series on the shelf. I'd never seen it before. Now that I read your little blurb, I'm sure I'll pick up a couple when I visit the store again. :)



At 10 November 2007 at 08:27, Blogger Unknown

It really is a good series and I hope you enjoy them! Rachel Caine is a great author! If you haven't already checked out the Morganville Vampires series I would add that to your wishlist too! ;)


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