Monday, 15 October 2007
I really like this CSI meets the paranormal style the author has created in this book. This is the 2nd part in the series and I really hope there will be more.

Of course this is supposed to be romance as well but the author has found a good combination of paranormal, mystery and romance that makes this a really good read. The lovey dovey stuff isn't over the top and the storyline and characters are interesting.

Worth reading if you like CSI and some things that go bump in the night!


posted by Unknown at Monday, October 15, 2007 |


At 16 October 2007 at 15:55, Blogger Lemonitsa

Yay!! Another book on my TBR that looked good and now has a star beside it!!

oh, I also want to thank you very much for the fantastic Birthday Wish you gave me on BO. :)



At 17 October 2007 at 12:59, Blogger Unknown

I am glad that I am helping to feed your book addiction ;)

I couldn't resist the birthday wish! I just loved the look of that candle ;)


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