Sunday, 7 October 2007
Chick-lit meets paranormal again in this 3rd helping of the 'Dead End Dating' series. Not so much 'real' dating for our dating service heroine Lil this time round but alot of action and a pet keep her busy enough!

I really enjoyed this one and the author manages to make this chick-lit and paranormal mix really well! Not too over the top and not to down your throat both genres are brought together to make a fun and entertaining story that will appeal to readers of both areas.

Oh and I think Countess Lil and Queen Betsy (MaryJanice Davidson's Undead series) should get together for a bottle of O neg! They would be such perfect friends!!!


posted by Unknown at Sunday, October 07, 2007 |


At 7 October 2007 at 14:29, Blogger Cherie

Now you're making me wanna move the first 2 up on Mt TBR as I have them, but haven't read em yet. LOL


At 9 October 2007 at 00:49, Blogger Unknown

I have to say that 'Lil' is not as good as Betsy in someways but she is just as good and as much fun ;)


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